KIT Campus North hosted the IEA Bioenergy Task 33: Gasification of Biomass and Waste by invitation of ITC from June 11 - 13, 2024.
Visit us at the KIT Future Hub in hall 2 B35.
Here is a movie impression
Cementitious binder from waste AAC was used to form new AAC blocks on an industrial scale
In the BMBF-funded project "CFC-CarbonFibreCycle", the properties, degradation and exposure behaviour of carbon fibres along their life cycle were investigated. The final workshop will be take place on 19./20. January 2023 at KIT Campus North.
Chemical recycling of plastic waste was one of the topics during the visit of Jutta Paulus, Member of the Environment Committee in the European Parliament.
As many wind turbines reach the end of their service life in the next few decades, fibre composites will be generated as waste in the future, for whose recycling there are still no clear specifications. The current rotor blade study shows which processes are suitable for dismantling and recycling.
ITC is working together with three partnering universities and industry on solutions for sustainable production in a project coordinated by FLSmidth
New project FINEST MINERAL ADDITIVES develops and demonstrates mixed value chains for mineral and plastic waste recycling
From May 30 to June 2, 2022, the CarbonCycleLab was presented at Hannover Messe.
Key topics of the visit of Harald Ebner, MP and Chairman of the Committee for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety & Consumer Protection at KIT.
The Institute for Technical Chemistry (ITC) was founded on September 1, 1994 at what was then the Nuclear Research Center Karlsruhe (today KIT Campus Nord).

Carbon fibres in circular economy - release behaviour and toxicity due to thermal and mechanical treatment.
moreon invitation of EBI ceb at KIT Campus North from June 5 - 7, 2019.
September 18, 2019 (registration required)
KIT-ITC partner in joint project KUBA with investigations on the chemical recycling of plastic containing construction waste
Press release DECHEMA e.V.
ITC brings in its competencies on resource efficient production and technologies for circular economy in process industry.
The Association of German Engineers (VDI) awarded in the competition "Engineers and their achievements" her contribution "Particulate matter on human lung cells" as an outstanding and innovative achievement.
The purpose of this workshop was to put a technology oriented view on thermo-chemical conversion of waste as enabler of the future carbon cycle, the de-fossilization of industry and the recycling of mineral construction materials.
Ms. Muelhopt got this award within the European Aerosol Conference 2017 in Zurich for her poster "Particle Mass Monitoring by Quartz Crystal Microbalance Using Electrostatic Deposition Enhancement".
The PhD Thesis of Martin Bublinski "CO2 Removal from Synthesis Gases during High-Temperature-High-Pressure Conditions" was awarded with the Gerlinger Foundation 2017 Award.
zur Demonstration innovativer Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung mit Hochtemperatur-Brennstoffzellen (SOFC) für Biomassevergaser 1-10 MWtherm
Die im Rahmen des durch das ITC koordinierten FNR Verbund-vorhaben untersuchten Feinst-partikelabscheider nehmen wichtigen Meilenstein
Auszeichnung der Forschungsarbeit von Daniela Baris durch den VDI
Field tests of Carola-precipitator for biomass fired boilers
Particle formation by thermal treatment of nanocomposites
5th International Symposium
on Ultrafine Particles -
Air Quality and Climate (UFP-5)
4. - 5. Mai 2015, Brüssel
KIT – Kolloquium
Entsorgung nanomaterial-
haltiger Abfälle in Sonderabfall-
4. März 2015, Karlsruhe
Beitrag von Dr. Andrei Bologa zur Minderung von Feinstpartikeln in kleinen Biomassefeuerungsanlagen unter ersten acht besten bei European Biomass Conference
KIT-Presseinformation 029/2010:
KIT entwickelt Rußabscheider für Kleinfeuerungsanlagen