Inauguration of the R-Zement Pilot Plant of ITC at KIT Campus North

On 11th of June 2024 we could inaugurate the R-Zement pilot plant with a lovely crowd of guests. Staatssekretär Dr. Andre Baumann, KIT-Vizepräsident Prof. Dr. Kora Kristof, Prof. Dr.Ing. Michael Haist and our Head of Institute Prof. Dr. Ing. Dieter Stapf welcomed all the visitors and with opening messages and a key note on future concretes they launched the plant.

Here there are some impressions of the event:

The R-Zement pilot, the electrically heated 1000°C rotary kiln with CO2 atmosphere being the central part, is now to produce Low Temperature Belite Clinker. Together with cement users and concrete manufacturers we will use Belite clinker in real applications. In (partially) substituting OPC natural resources are conserved, energy demand and CO2 emissions reduced.

Funding by Ministerium für Umwelt, Klima und Energiewirtschaft Baden-Württemberg: FKZ L7521115

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