Projects and Literature

Our main research topic is the CO2-reduced circular economy of mineral building materials. Basic solutions found within the framework of the Helmholtz research programs are to be proven in practice and must be scientifically, technically and economically developed to higher technology levels. To this end, we conduct joint research projects with partners from universities and industry, which are supported by various funding bodies.

Mineralogie CircleMineralogie_Circle


ENERGY Research Field 2021 – 2027
Research program “Materials and Technologies for the Energy Transition” (MTET)

Within topic 5, “Resource and Energy Efficiency” we address crucial technology gaps in recycling of building materials.

Research program “Energy System Design” (ESD)

Within Topic 2.1 “Digitalization and Systems Technology for Flexibility Solutions” we focus on the integration of decentralized cement processing technologies in a decarbonized energy system.

Project partners



Peter Stemmermann, KIT, 0721 608 24391, peter.stemmermann∂


Recycling cluster Autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC): Optimizing demolition and separation of post use AAC and new routes for circular use of AAC

Project duration 01.06.2019 – 31.12.2022


The upcoming end of buildings life time within the next years will lead to increasing amounts of post use AAC material from demolition. The Repost project deals with ways of reusing such material batches within the production of new AAC to avoid landfilling and save primary resources.

Final Report

Final Project Report DOI: 10.5445/IR/1000173409

Project partners

Xella Technology- and Research Company


KIT Institute for Industrial Production (IIP)

Funded by

BMBF Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Funding code: BMBF 033R249D

Part of ReziProK


Uwe Schweike, KIT, 0721 608 26001, uwe.schweike∂
Peter Stemmermann, KIT, 021 608 24391, peter.stemmermann∂


R-Zement: low CO2 production of di calcium silicate clinker from recycled construction material

Project duration 01.04.2021 – 30.06.2025


R-Zement project aims at a pilot plant to establish a decentralized clinker production at a 10t/h scale. The newly found process generates di calcium silicate clinker (belite clinker) at a temperature of 1000°C. At the pilot plant level the rotary kiln will be electrically heated.

An advisory board with members from Baden-Württemberg administration, industrial associations and companies is set up to guide the project.

Funded by

Ministry of the Environment, Climate, Protection and the Energy Sector Baden-Württemberg

Webpage of Landesanstalt für Umwelt Baden-Württemberg LUBW

Förderkennzeichen: L7521115


Hunsinger, H.; Beuchle, G.; Stemmermann, P.; Schweike, U.; Warzycha, K.; Garbev, K.: Verfahren zur Herstellung von Dicalciumsilikat. DE 10 2012 108 022 B3


Meriem Sassi, KIT, 0721 608 23648, meriem.sassi∂
Ulrich Precht, KIT, 0721 608 24034, ulrich.precht∂

Günter Beuchle, KIT, 0721 608 25573, guenter.beuchle∂

Innovation pool project 1: Energy transition and circular economy: Decarbonation and flexibilization of energy intensive recycling processes

Project duration 01.01.2021 – 31.12.2024


Using thermochemical recycling of waste concrete as an example to simulated implications on mass and energy cycles. What needs to be considered to maintain stable power grids and economic production with increasing amounts of renewables? What is the impact of decentral but energy intensive processes?

Project partners

DLR Institute of Networked Energy Systems (VE)

DLR Institute of Low-Carbon Industrial Processes (DI)

FZJ Techno-economic Systems Analysis (IEK-3)

FZJ Energy Systems Engineering (IEK-10)

FZJ Systems Analysis and Technology Evaluation (IEK-STE)

HZDR Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology (HIF)

KIT Institute for Automation and Applied Informatics (IAI)

Funded by

Helmholtz Program-oriented funding - Association of German Research Centers


Peter Stemmermann, KIT, 0721 608 24391, peter.stemmermann∂
Günter Beuchle, KIT, 0721 608 25573, guenter.beuchle∂

Feasibility study for holistic concrete recycling in in Baden-Württemberg

Project duration 01.01.2022 – 31.12.2022


To evaluate recycling options for concrete in Baden-Württemberg a feasibility study is based on available data. The study should be amended by recommended actions where on going changes like concrete mixture optimization, new standards, new technologies in general are taken into account.

Project partners

KIT Institut für Massivbau (IMB)

KIT Institute for Industrial Production (IIP)

Funded by

Thinktank Industrielle Ressourcen-Strategien Baden-Württemberg


Symposium "Bauen mit Beton im Kreislauf - Recycling, Re-Use und Ressourcenschonung"


Günter Beuchle, KIT, 0721 608 25573, guenter.beuchle∂

Ultraefficiency demonstrator for decentralized processes

Project duration 01.05.2021 – 31.12.2022


This feasibility study deals with enhancing the circulation of materials, e.g. the demolition and material recycling of external thermal insulation composite systems (ETICS) in construction. The two main fractions, organic vs. inorganic, proceed to different value chains with chemical intermediates and mineral constructions materials as products. Ideally, a complete recycling is to be achieved and will be evaluated.

Project partners

KIT Institute of Catalysis Research and Technology (IKFT)

Funded by

Thinktank Industrielle Ressourcen-Strategien Baden-Württemberg


Pallavi Reddy Yarka Reddy, KIT, 0721 608 24657, pallavi.reddy∂
Günter Beuchle, KIT, 0721 608 25573,

Low CO2 concrete by upcycling wastes from demolition

Project duration 01.11.2022 – 31.10.2025


The aim of the project is the manufacturing of high quality and sustainable concretes with partial substitution of components by recycling products (RC) instead of standard cements and aggregates. Separately or in parallel substitution shall be achieved with

  • low temperature belite clinker (KIT process) added to OPC based cements and
  • mechanically prepared concrete fines.

A final test in the production of precast concrete parts will be based on the adapted clinker process, mix design and ratios, sulfate carrier and additives adjustment.

Project partners

Holcim Deutschland Zementwerk Höver

Sika Germany

EHL-Standort Kruft | EHL AG | Pflastersteine, Betonstufen, Palisaden

Leibniz Universität Hannover, Institut für Baustoffe (IFB)

KIT Institute for Industrial Production (IIP): Project file

Funded by

BMWK Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action


Uwe Schweike, KIT, 0721 608 26001, uwe.schweike∂
Peter Stemmermann, KIT, 0721 608 24391, peter.stemmermann∂

Use and management of finest particulate anthropogenic material flows in a sustainable circular economy

Project duration 01.07.2022 – 30.06.2027


Sub projects

Finest Micro Plastics – Finest Mineral Additives – Finest Disperse Metals – Finest Research School

Finest dust from industrial processes are to be recycled in existing or new value chains. As there is a wide variety of dusts, prominent examples like mineral dust from demolition, micro plastics and used fibers from composite materials shall be considered.

Project partners

HZDR Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

UFZ Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research

HZB Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin

TU Bergakademie Freiberg

University of Greifswald

Funded by

Helmholtz Sustainability Challenge


Peter Stemmermann, KIT, 0721 608 24391, peter.stemmermann∂

Project duration 31.08.2025 – 31.03.2027


CO2 will be tested to carbonate cementitious material in demolition materials or wastes. Both starting materials, reactions and reactors will be studied to set up a process model, i.e. a digital twin, a to evaluate a potential electrification.

Project partners

FLSmidth | Driving sustainable productivity

Università di Padova

NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology

HZDR Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

DTU Technical University of Denmark

Funded by

EU Horizon 2021


Peter Stemmermann, KIT, 0721 608 24391, peter.stemmermann∂

AI supported control model for coping with fluctuating recycling waste in carbonate-melt clinkering for recycling-cement

Project duration: 2024 – 2026


This project aims to develop a scalable, low-temperature carbon-melt process (<1000 °C) for synthesizing CO₂-minimized “R-cements” from MCW as a carbon-free raw meal. It will address challenges posed by the natural variability in MCW’s chemical composition and physical properties by using sensor-driven, machine-learning process controls to stabilize cement quality.

Project partners

Leibniz Universität Hannover, Institut für Baustoffe (IFB)

Funded by

DFG German Research Foundation SPP 2436 "Net-Zero Concrete"


Peter Stemmermann, KIT, 0721 608 24391, peter.stemmermann∂


Pyrolysis of Polystyrene with Mineral Fillers: Perspectives for Recycling of the Plastic-rich Fraction from Thermal Insulation Construction Material
Kurtz, T.; Merz, D.; Garbev, K.; Alsharqawi, R.; Stemmermann, P.; Tavakkol, S.; Stapf, D.
2025, March 18. Jahrestreffen der DECHEMA-Fachgruppen Abfallbehandlung und Wertstoffrückgewinnung (AuW), Hochtemperaturtechnik (HTT) und Rohstoffe (ROH 2025), Dresden, Germany, March 17–18, 2025
Carbonfasern – Grundlagenuntersuchungen und Übertrag auf die Abfallverwertung
Wexler, M.; Garbev, K.; Gehrmann, H.-J.; Hauser, M.; Mahl, J.; Merz, D.; Stapf, D.
2025. 14. Wissenschaftskongress Kreislauf- und Ressourcenwirtschaft. Hrsg.: A. Bockreis, 111–115, innsbruck university press. doi:10.15203/99106-153-3
Carbonfasern – Grundlagenuntersuchungen und Übertrag auf die Abfallverwertung
Wexler, M.; Garbev, K.; Gehrmann, H.-J.; Hauser, M.; Mahl, J.; Merz, D.; Stapf, D.
2025, March 14. 14. DGAW-Wissenschaftskongress "Ressourcen neu denken" (2025), Kassel, Germany, March 13–14, 2025
Study on Organo-Silica-Derived Membranes Using a Robeson-like Plot
Bünger, L.; Gestel, T. van; Kurtz, T.; Garbev, K.; Stemmermann, P.; Meulenberg, W. A.; Guillon, O.; Stapf, D.
2025. Membranes, 15 (3), Art.-Nr.: 83. doi:10.3390/membranes15030083
Structural characterization of amorphous hydrous Zr(IV) oxide and the transformation occurring under hydrothermal conditions
Kiefer, C.; Gaona, X.; Suzuki-Muresan, T.; Schild, D.; Garbev, K.; Kobayashi, T.; Dardenne, K.; Blanco, O. D.; Altmaier, M.; Grambow, B.; Geckeis, H.
2025. Applied Geochemistry, 182, 106302. doi:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2025.106302
Thermisches Abbauverhalten von Carbonfasern - Grundlagenuntersuchungen für potentielle Verwertungsprozesse = Thermal Degradation Behaviour of Carbon Fibres - Fundamental Investigations for Potential Recovery Processes
Wexler, M.; Baumann, W.; Garbev, K.; Gehrmann, H. J.; Hauser, M.; Mahl, J.; Merz, D.; Stapf, D.
2025. Abfallwirtschaft und Energie. Bd.: 2. Hrsg.: S. Thiel, 2–15, Thomé-Kozmiensky Verlag (TK)
Influencing the Product Quality in Chemical Recycling of Mixed Thermoplastics by Temperature-staged Pyrolysis
Netsch, N.; Tauber, A.; Keskin, O.; Merz, D.; Bergfeldt, B.; Tavakkol, S.; Stapf, D.
2024, November 27. DGMK-Konferenz "Energy and Material Flows in Sustainable Petrochemistry - Opportunities and Implications" (2024), Hamburg, Germany, November 27–29, 2024
Herstellung und Einsatz von Recycling-Zement (R-Zement) aus Betonbrechsand
Stemmermann, P.
2024, October 24. 27. Baustoff-Recycling-Tag (2024), Filderstadt, Germany, October 24, 2024
Thermodynamic Modeliing of Cement Clinker Formation from Cementitious Waste
Yarka Reddy, P. R.; Beuchle, G.; Stemmermann, P.; Stapf, D.
2024, September 24. Materials Science and Engineering Congress (MSE 2024), Darmstadt, Germany, September 24–26, 2024
Advanced analytical methods for characterization of condensable pyrolysis products from plastic waste
Netsch, N.; Schmedding, T.; Pöplow, A.; Zeller, M.; Bergfeldt, B.; Straczewski, G.; Tavakkol, S.; Stapf, D.
2024, September. KNT-Symposium “Chemical Engineering for a Sustainable World” (2024), Karlsruhe, Germany, September 30–October 2, 2024
Advanced analytical methods for characterization of condensable pyrolysis products from plastic waste
Netsch, N.; Schmedding, T.; Pöplow, A.; Zeller, M.; Bergfeldt, B.; Straczewski, G.; Tavakkol, S.; Stapf, D.
2024, September. KNT-Symposium “Chemical Engineering for a Sustainable World” (2024), Karlsruhe, Germany, September 30–October 2, 2024
Towards Polyurethane Circularity by Pyrolysis : Lab-scale Investigations & Detailed Product Analyses
Zeller, M.; Weigel, L.; Hannemann, A.; Shrestha, P.; Erdenepurev, A.-E.; Wattenberg, L.; Merz, D.; Tavakkol, S.; Stapf, D.
2024, September. KNT-Symposium “Chemical Engineering for a Sustainable World” (2024), Karlsruhe, Germany, September 30–October 2, 2024
Towards Polyurethane Circularity : Lab-scale Investigations & Detailed Product Analyses
Zeller, M.; Weigel, L.; Hannemann, A.; Shrestha, P.; Erdenepurev, A.-E.; Wattenberg, L.; Merz, D.; Tavakkol, S.; Stapf, D.
2024, September. KNT-Symposium “Chemical Engineering for a Sustainable World” (2024), Karlsruhe, Germany, September 30–October 2, 2024
Direct dehydrogenation of methanol to formaldehyde over ZnO–SiO -based catalysts
Chowdhury, A. G.; Arnold, U.; Garbev, K.; Bender, M.; Sauer, J.
2024. Catalysis Science and Technology, 14 (17), 4958–4967. doi:10.1039/D4CY00541D
The influence of brominated flame-retardants on the pyrolysis behavior of plastics via TGA and Py-GC-MS
Alsharqawi, R.; Merz, D.; Bergfeldt, B.; Straczewski, G.; Tavakkol, S.; Stapf, D.
2024, August 22. 10th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation (WasteEng 2024), Sendai, Japan, August 20–23, 2024
Mixed-Matrix Organo-Silica-Hydrotalcite Membrane for CO₂ Separation Part 1: Synthesis and Analytical Description
Bünger, L.; Garbev, K.; Ullrich, A.; Stemmermann, P.; Stapf, D.
2024. Membranes, 14 (8), Art.-Nr.: 170. doi:10.3390/membranes14080170
Towards Polyurethane Circularity - An Assessment of Polyurethane Pyrolysis: Degradation Mechanisms, Products and Recycling Potential
Zeller, M.; Merz, D.; Tavakkol, S.; Stapf, D.
2024, August. 10th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation (WasteEng 2024), Sendai, Japan, August 20–23, 2024
Chemical Recycling of Thermoplastic Mixtures: Superposition Modeling and Experimental Validation
Netsch, N.; Schröder, L.; Merz, D.; Zimmerlin, B.; Tavakkol, S.; Stapf, D.
2024, August. 10th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation (WasteEng 2024), Sendai, Japan, August 20–23, 2024
Energy Demand for Pyrolysis of Mixed Thermoplastics and Waste Plastics in Chemical Recycling: Model Prediction and Pilot-Scale Validation
Netsch, N.; Zeller, M.; Richter, F.; Bergfeldt, B.; Tavakkol, S.; Stapf, D.
2024. Sustainable resource Management, 1 (7), 1485–1492. doi:10.1021/acssusresmgt.4c00109
Mixed-matrix Organo-Silica-Hydrotalcite Membrane for CO₂ Separation Part 2: Permeation and Selectivity Study
Bünger, L.; Kurtz, T.; Garbev, K.; Stemmermann, P.; Stapf, D.
2024. Membranes, 14 (156), Art.-Nr.: 156. doi:10.3390/membranes14070156
Net-Zero Circular Concrete
Stemmermann, P.
2024, April 23. Hannover Messe (2024), Hanover, Germany, April 22–26, 2024
Natural and enforced carbonation of hydrated cement paste
Rodriguez Hidalgo, C. P.; Lea da Silva, W. R.; Soosai Alphonse, J.; Stemmermann, P.; Garbev, K.; Beuchle, G.
2024, April 17. 1st RILEM International Conference on Mineral Carbonation for Cement and Concrete (2024), Aachen, Germany, April 16–17, 2024
Thermodynamics of the Eu( iii )–Mg–SO₄ –H₂O and Eu( iii )–Na–SO₄ –H₂O systems. Part I: solubility experiments and the full dissociation Pitzer model
Santos, P. F. dos; Lassin, A.; Gaona, X.; Garbev, K.; Altmaier, M.; Madé, B.
2024. Dalton Transactions, 53 (14), 6289–6299. doi:10.1039/d3dt04322c
Recycling belite cement clinker from post-demolition autoclaved aerated concrete – assessing a new process
Stemmermann, P.; Volk, R.; Steins, J. J.; Beuchle, G.
2024. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 203, Article no: 107404. doi:10.1016/j.resconrec.2023.107404
Sustainability in the Cement Industry: Thermodynamic Modelling of Belite Cement Clinker
Yarka Reddy, P. R.; Sandaka, G.; Beuchle, G.; Stemmermann, P.; Stapf, D.
2024, March 19. Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet Fachgruppe Hochtemperaturtechnik (2024), Lindlar, Germany, March 19–20, 2024
Thermogravimetric study on thermal degradation kinetics and polymer interactions in mixed thermoplastics
Netsch, N.; Schröder, L.; Zeller, M.; Neugber, I.; Merz, D.; Klein, C. O.; Tavakkol, S.; Stapf, D.
2024. Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry. doi:10.1007/s10973-024-13630-6
Recyclingcluster Porenbeton (REPOST) - Schlussbericht des Forschungsvorhabens
Beuchle, G.; Garbev, K.; Kreft, O.; Schultmann, F.; Schweike, U.; Steins, J.; Stemmermann, P.; Ullrich, A.; Volk, R.; Weiß, B.
2024. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000173409
Accelerated carbonation of hardened cement paste: Quantification of calcium carbonate via ATR infrared spectroscopy
Kalkreuth, J.; Ullrich, A.; Garbev, K.; Merz, D.; Stemmermann, P.; Stapf, D.
2024. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 107 (4), 2627–2640. doi:10.1111/jace.19546
Zero emission circular concrete
Stemmermann, P.; Garbev, K.; Ullrich, A.; Beuchle, G.
2023. RILEM Publ
Sustainability in cement industry: Thermodynamic modelling of belite cement clinker
Yarka Reddy, P. R.; Beuchle, G.; Stemmermann, P.; Stapf, D.
2023, October 12. Transforming towards a sustainable society - challenges and solutions (2023), Karlsruhe, Germany, October 11–13, 2023
Belite cement clinker from autoclaved aerated concrete waste fines with high sulfate content
Stemmermann, P.; Beuchle, G.; Garbev, K.; Schweike, U.; Ullrich, A.
2023. ce/papers, 6 (2), 203–208. doi:10.1002/cepa.2096
Superstructure optimization for a novel cement production process utilizing secondary raw materials
Ojeda P., A. Y.
2023, June 13. Helmholtz Energy Conference (2023), Koblenz, Germany, June 12–13, 2023
Zero-Emission Circular Concrete
Stemmermann, P.
2023, June 13. Helmholtz Energy Conference (2023), Koblenz, Germany, June 12–13, 2023
Circular Zero Emission Concrete : Thermodynamic Modelling of Belite Cement Clinker
Yarka Reddy, P. R.; Beuchle, G.; Stemmermann, P.; Stapf, D.
2023, June 13. Helmholtz Energy Conference (2023), Koblenz, Germany, June 12–13, 2023
Recovery of carbon fiber reinforced plastics from wind turbine rotor blades - current status and basic investigations
Mahl, J.
2023, June 13. Helmholtz Energy Conference (2023), Koblenz, Germany, June 12–13, 2023
Toward the Synthesis of New Zeolite Structures in the Presence of Cesium: Zeolite MMU-1
Tosheva, L.; Garbev, K.; Miller, G. J.; Mihailova, B.
2023. Crystal Growth and Design, 23 (5), 3834–3844. doi:10.1021/acs.cgd.3c00239
Solubility and Solid Phase Formation in the ND 2 O3 -EUCL 3 -NDCL 3 - NACL-H2 O(L) System
Rao Dumpala, R. M.; Heberling, F.; Gaona, X.; Garbev, K.; Schild, D.; Altmaier, M.; Geckeis, H.
2023. 18th International Conference on the Chemistry and Migration Behavior of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geosphere (Migration 2023), Nantes, France, September 24–29, 2023
CFC – Carbon Fibre Cycle Carbonfasern im Kreislauf – Freisetzungsverhalten und Toxizität bei thermischer und mechanischer Behandlung
Baumann, W.; Bäger, D.; Deußen, O.; Diabaté, S.; Ellermann, N.; Emmerich, R.; Friesen, A.; Fritsch-Decker, S.; Gehrmann, H.-J.; Gries, T.; Große, A.; Guth, J.; Hartwig, A.; Hauser, M.; Hofmann, M.; Hufnagel, M.; Kehren, D.; Krug, H. F.; Kühnel, D.; Leis, J.; Mahl, J.; Marquardt, C.; Mattern, A.; Merz, D.; Möller, N.; Nau, K.; Naumann, R.; Plitzko, S.; Schlögel, K.; Stapf, D.; Steinbach, C.; Weiss, C.; Wexler, M.
2023. CFC – Carbon Fibre Cycle Carbonfasern im Kreislauf – Freisetzungsverhalten und Toxizität bei thermischer und mechanischer Behandlung - Abschlussworkshop (2023), Karlsruhe, Germany, January 19–20, 2023
Economic and environmental assessment of automotive plastic waste end‐of‐life options: Energy recovery versus chemical recycling
Stallkamp, C.; Hennig, M.; Volk, R.; Richter, F.; Bergfeldt, B.; Tavakkol, S.; Schultmann, F.; Stapf, D.
2023. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 27 (5), 1319–1334. doi:10.1111/jiec.13416
Thermogravimetric studies, kinetic modeling and product analysis of the pyrolysis of model polymers for technical polyurethane applications
Zeller, M.; Garbev, K.; Weigel, L.; Saatzer, T.; Merz, D.; Tavakkol, S.; Stapf, D.
2023. Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis, 171, Article no: 105976. doi:10.1016/j.jaap.2023.105976
Ergebnisse einer Machbarkeitsstudie für ganzheitliches Betonrecycling
Bruckschlögl, S.; Beuchle, G.; Vollmer, E.; Patarca, H. Petrillo; Volk, R.; Schultmann, F.; Dehn, F.
2023. Bauen mit Beton im Kreislauf - Recycling, Re-Use und Ressourcenschonung : 19. Symposium Baustoffe und Bauwerkserhaltung, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), 9. März 2023, 21–36, KIT Scientific Publishing
CFC – Carbon Fibre Cycle Carbonfasern im Kreislauf – Freisetzungsverhalten und Toxizität bei thermischer und mechanischer Behandlung
Baumann, W.; Bäger, D.; Deußen, O.; Diabaté, S.; Ellermann, N.; Emmerich, R.; Friesen, A.; Fritsch-Decker, S.; Gehrmann, H. J.; Gries, T.; Große, A.; Guth, J.; Hartwig, A.; Hauser, M.; Hofmann, M.; Hufnagel, M.; Kehren, D.; Krug, H. F.; Kühnel, D.; Leis, J.; Mahl, J.; Marquardt, C.; Mattern, A.; Merz, D.; Möller, N.; Nau, K.; Naumann, R.; Plitzko, S.; Schlögel, K.; Stapf, D.; Steinbach, C.; Weiss, C.; Wexler, M.
Solubility of niobium(V) in cementitious systems relevant for nuclear waste disposal: Characterization of the solubility-controlling solid phases
Jo, Y.; Garbev, K.; Çevirim-Papaioannou, N.; Blanco, O. D.; Blochouse, B. de; Altmaier, M.; Gaona, X.
2022. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 440, Art.-Nr.: 129810. doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2022.129810
Belite cement clinker from autoclaved aerated concrete waste – A contribution towards CO₂-reduced circular building materials
Stemmermann, P.; Ullrich, A.; Beuchle, G.; Garbev, K.; Schweike, U.
2022. ce/papers, 5 (5), 17–26. doi:10.1002/cepa.1879
Comparison of different post-demolition autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) recycling options
Volk, R.; Steins, J. J.; Stemmermann, P.; Schultmann, F.
2022. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1078 (1), Art.Nr.: 012074. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1078/1/012074
Thermogravimetric studies and kinetic modeling of the pyrolysis of polyurethane plastics
Zeller, M.; Saatzer, T.; Merz, D.; Stapf, D.
2022, May. 23rd International Conference on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis (PYRO 2022), Ghent, Belgium, May 15–20, 2022
Thermische Entsorgung von Carbonfasern
Mahl, J.
2022, April 1. Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppen "Abfallbehandlung und Wertstoffrückgewinnung, Energieverfahrenstechnik, Gasreinigung, Hochtemperaturtechnik, Rohstoffe" (2022), Bamberg, Germany, March 30–April 1, 2022
CaCl₂ as a Mineralizing Agent in Low-Temperature Recycling of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete: Cl-Immobilization by Formation of Chlorellestadite
Ullrich, A.; Garbev, K.; Schweike, U.; Köhler, M.; Bergfeldt, B.; Stemmermann, P.
2022. Minerals, 12 (9), 1142. doi:10.3390/min12091142
Experimental fracture sealing in reservoir sandstones and its relation to rock texture
Busch, B.; Okamoto, A.; Garbev, K.; Hilgers, C.
2021. Journal of structural geology, 153, Art.-Nr.: 104447. doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2021.104447
Total oxidation of carbon monoxide, VOC and reduction of NO₂ with catalytic ceramic filter media
Straczewski, G.; Vargas, C.; Zampieri, A.; Garbev, K.; Leibold, H.; Dahmen, N.
2021. Fuel communications, 9, Article no: 100038. doi:10.1016/j.jfueco.2021.100038
Catalytic Tar Conversion in Two Different Hot Syngas Cleaning Systems
Straczewski, G.; Mai, R.; Gerhards, U.; Garbev, K.; Leibold, H.
2021. Catalysts, 11 (10), Article no: 1231. doi:10.3390/catal11101231
Optionen der Carbonfaserverwertung in industriellen Hochtemperaturprozessen
Wexler, M.; Baumann, W.; Doninger, T.; Gehrmann, H.-J.; Hagemann, R.; Hauser, M.; Merz, D.; Stapf, D.
2021, June 10. 33. Berliner Abfallwirtschafts- und Energiekonferenz (2021), Berlin, Germany, June 10–11, 2021
Efficient Fluoride Removal from Aqueous Solution Using Zirconium-Based Composite Nanofiber Membranes
Mohamed, A.; Valadez Sanchez, E. P.; Bogdanova, E.; Bergfeldt, B.; Mahmood, A.; Ostvald, R. V.; Hashem, T.
2021. Membranes, 11 (2), Article no: 147. doi:10.3390/membranes11020147
Optionen der Carbonfaserverwertung in industriellen Hochtemperaturprozessen
Wexler, M.; Baumann, W.; Doninger, T.; Gehrmann, H.-J.; Hagemann, R.; Hauser, M.; Merz, D.; Stapf, D.
2021. Energie aus Abfall – Proceedings 2021. Proceedings zur Berliner Abfallwirtschafts- und Energiekonferenz. Hrsg.: S. Thiel
Starve to Sustain - An Ancient Syrian Landrace of Sorghum as Tool for Phosphorous Bio-Economy?
Kanbar, A.; Mirzai, M.; Abuslima, E.; Flubacher, N.; Eghbalian, R.; Garbev, K.; Bergfeldt, B.; Ullrich, A.; Leibold, H.; Eiche, E.; Müller, M.; Mokry, M.; Stapf, D.; Nick, P.
2021. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22 (17), Art.-Nr.: 9312. doi:10.3390/ijms22179312
Development of catalytic ceramic filter candles for tar conversion
Straczewski, G.; Koutera, K.; Gerhards, U.; Garbev, K.; Leibold, H.
2021. Fuel communications, (7), Article no: 100021. doi:10.1016/j.jfueco.2021.100021
The carbon uptake by carbonation of concrete structures – some remarks by perspective of TA
Achternbosch, M.; Stemmermann, P.
2021. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000131215
Small Scale-Simulation of mineral Reactions During the Formation of Slags in the Combustion Chamber of Biomass Heat and Power Plants
Pfrang-Stotz, G.; Bergfeldt, B.; Ricker, M.
2020. Reichelt, Jürgen (Hrsg.) (Ed.), 8th International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste 2020 : VENICE 2020, a fully virtual event from 16-19 November 2020, Eurowaste Srl
Influences of cross-linking and Al incorporation on the intrinsic mechanical properties of tobermorite
Li, J.; Zhang, W.; Garbev, K.; Beuchle, G.; Monteiro, P. J. M.
2020. Cement and concrete research, 136, Article no: 106170. doi:10.1016/j.cemconres.2020.106170
Potentials and Risks in the Recycling and Recovery of Carbon Fibers
Baumann, W.; Beuchle, G.; Gehrmann, H.-J.; Hauser, M.; Merz, D.; Mülhopt, S.; Weiss, C.; Stapf, D.
2020, September 15. (M. Wexler, Ed.), 2nd Advanced Materials Online Conference (2020), Online, September 15, 2020
Increasing the efficiency of energy production in biomass power plants by technical application of a biofuel catalog: First Test Results
Reichelt, J.; Pfrang-Stotz, G.; Bergfeldt, B.
2020, July 6. 28th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EUBCE 2020), Online, July 6–9, 2020
A New Method to Predict Slagging and Fouling During Biomass Combustion
Bergfeldt, B.; Reichelt, J.; Pfrang-Stotz, G.; Kaufmann, S.
2020. Bioeconomy’s role in the post-pandemic economic recovery : papers of the 28th European Biomass Conference (EUBCE 2020) : extracted from the proceedings of the International conference held virtually, 6-9 July 2020, 1012–1015, ETA-Florence Renewable Energies. doi:10.5071/28thEUBCE2020-2BV.2.9
A New Method to Predict Slaggings and Foulings During Biomass Combustion
Reichelt, J.; Pfrang-Stotz, G.; Kaufmann, S.
2020, July 6. (B. Bergfeldt, Ed.), 28th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EUBCE 2020), Online, July 6–9, 2020
Increasing the efficiency of energy production in biomass power plants by technical application of a biofuel catalog: First Test Results
Reichelt, J.; Pfrang-Stotz, G.; Bergfeldt, B.
2020. Bioeconomy’s role in the post-pandemic economic recovery : papers of the 28th European Biomass Conference (EUBCE 2020) : extracted from the proceedings of the International conference held virtually, 6-9 July 2020, 345–349, ETA-Florence Renewable Energies. doi:10.5071/28thEUBCE2020-2BV.2.8
Chemo-mechanical characterization of hydrated calcium-hydrosilicates with coupled Raman- and nanoindentation measurements
Stemmermann, P.; Garbev, K.; Gasharova, B.; Beuchle, G.; Haist, M.; Divoux, T.
2020. Applied geochemistry, 118, 104582. doi:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2020.104582
Totaloxidation von Kohlenmonoxid und VOCs mit katalytischen Keramik-Filterkerzen
Straczewski, G.; Garbev, K.; Leibold, H.; Vargas, C.; Zampieri, A.; Dahmen, N.
2020, March 10. Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppen Computational Fluid Dynamics und Gasreinigung (2020), Bamberg, Germany, March 10–11, 2020
Synthesis of Hydrotilcite-Like Compounds as Selective Membrane Layer for High Temperature Carbon Dioxide Separation
Leibold, H.; Garbev, K.; Stapf, D.
2020, February 17. (L. Bünger, Ed.), Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppen Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik und Membrantechnik (2020), Freising, Germany, February 17–19, 2020
Comparison of wood pyrolysis kinetic data derived from thermogravimetric experiments by model-fitting and model-free methods
Soria-Verdugo, A.; Morgano, M. T.; Mätzing, H.; Goos, E.; Leibold, H.; Merz, D.; Riedel, U.; Stapf, D.
2020. Energy conversion and management, 212, Article No.112818. doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2020.112818