In the Carbon Cycle Lab at KIT, the chemical recycling of plastic waste is among other things being investigated and transferred to a pilot scale. The aim is to integrate previosly unusuable waste back into the material cycle.
From November, 17 till Decem-ber 7, 2024, 20 tons of plastic-based pyrolysis oil were successfully converted to synthesis gas in the high-pressure entrained flow gasifier within the Carbon Cycle Lab. This demonstrated the function of an important process chain mandatory for a sustainable carbon cycle.
Researchers at the ITC, together with international partners, have investigated in the BRENDA incineration plant what contribution the waste incineration of polymers, especially fluoropolymers, has to the release of low-molecular-weight, fluorinated compounds. The fluoropolymers were almost completely degraded.
Staatssekretär Dr. Andre Baumann, KIT Vice President Prof. Dr. Kora Kristof, many guests inaugurated the R-Cement pilot plant at the ITC Campus North.
