Gasification Technology

Head of Department: Prof. Dr. Frederik Scheiff

High pressure entrained flow gasification is one of the key technologies to close the anthropogenic carbon cycle.

The research activities of the Department Gasification Technology focus on the conversion of biogenic and anthropogenic feedstock applying the thermo-chemical process of gasification. The sub processes atomization, flame stabilization, fuel conversion, slagging and heat release are investigated applying R&D facilities from lab to pilot-scale. The experimental data are the basis for physical models of the sub processes, which are implemented into a numerical simulation tool. This can be used for optimization of reactor design and of the process conditions and is the basis for scale-up and thus technology transfer to industrial application. Research is carried out in close cooperation with the working group Thermochemical Fuel Conversion at Engler-Bunte-Institut, Fuel Technology, EBI ceb.

The work is funded by the Helmholtz program MTET(Materials and Technologies for the Energy Transition) in the subtopic Anthropogenic Carbon Cycle, Topic 5 (Resource and Energy Efficiency)

Working groups

Vergasung REGA ITC KIT
Zerstäubung ITC KIT
Atomization / Liquid Fuels
Modellierung ITC KIT
Modeling / Balancing
Thermo-chemical Fuel Conversion
Bioliq ITC KIT
CCLab R&D Coordination Gasifier


Chemisches Recycling von Kunststoffabfällen: Untersuchungen zur Umsetzung kunststoffbasierter Pyrolyseöle im Flugstromvergaser
Fleck, S.; Haas, M.; Santo, U.; Tavakkol, S.; Stapf, D.; Kolb, T.; Scheiff, F.
2025, March 18. Jahrestreffen der DECHEMA-Fachgruppen Abfallbehandlung und Wertstoffrückgewinnung (AuW), Hochtemperaturtechnik (HTT) und Rohstoffe (ROH 2025), Dresden, Germany, March 17–18, 2025
Measurement Method for Monitoring Slurry Sprays
Schäfer, W.; Haas, M.; Fleck, S.; Jakobs, T.
2025, February 3. Jahrestreffen der DECHEMA/VDI-Fachgruppe Fluidverfahrenstechnik (2025), Bochum, Germany, February 3–5, 2025
Entrained flow gasification: Pilot-scale experimental, balancing and equilibrium data for model validation
Dammann, M.; Santo, U.; Böning, D.; Knoch, H.; Eberhard, M.; Kolb, T.
2025. Fuel, 382, 132809. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2024.132809
Thermal radiation at high-temperature and high-pressure conditions: Validation of HITEMP-2010 for carbon dioxide
Dammann, M.; Weber, R.; Fateev, A.; Clausen, S.; Alberti, M.; Kolb, T.; Mancini, M.
2024. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 329, 109121. doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2024.109121
Numerical modelling and simulation of atmospheric entrained flow gasification of surrogate fuels. PhD dissertation
Dammann, M.
2024, October 8. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000172116
Entrained Flow Gasification of Suspension Fuels – A New Modeling Approach to Investigate Processes in Burner Near Field
Haas, M.; Fleck, S.; Kolb, T.
2024, September 10. International Conference on Thermochemical Conversion Science: Biomass & Municipal Solid Waste to RNG, Biofuels & Chemicals (tcbiomass2024 2024), Itasca, IL, USA, September 10–12, 2024
Energie aus Biomasse – Thermo-chemische Konversion
Fleck, S.; Kolb, T.
2024. (M. Kaltschmitt, H. Hofbauer & V. Lenz, Eds.), Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-41216-6
Liquid Fuel Evaporation under Entrained Flow Gasification Conditions - Insights for Burner Development
Haas, M.; Fleck, S.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.
2024, April 2. 14th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers (INFUB 2024), Salgados, Portugal, April 2–5, 2024
Hochdruck-Flugstromvergasung: Validierte Daten aus Experimenten im Pilotmaßstab für Optimierung und Scale-up
Santo, U.; Böning, D.; Jakobs, T.; Fleck, S.; Michelfelder, B.; Zimmerlin, B.; Kolb, T.
2024, March 25. Jahrestreffen der DECHEMA-Fachgruppen Abfallbehandlung und Wertstoffrückgewinnung und Gasreinigung (FGr AuW und GAS 2024), Dresden, Germany, March 25–26, 2024
Spray Investigations for Nozzle Design
Jakobs, T.; Wachter, S.; Fleck, S.; Kolb, T.
2024, March 20. Jahrestreffen der DECHEMA/VDI-Fachgruppen Mehrphasenströmung, Computational Fluid Dynamics und Aerosoltechnik (2024), Bremen, Germany, March 20–21, 2024
Bewertung der Vergasungseigenschaften verschiedener Pyrolyseöle unter Flugstrombedingungen
Fleck, S.; Haas, M.; Santo, U.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.
2024, March 19. Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet Fachgruppe Hochtemperaturtechnik (2024), Lindlar, Germany, March 19–20, 2024
Burner Development for HP-Entrained Flow Gasification
Jakobs, T.; Richter, J.; Santo, U.; Haas, M.; Fleck, S.; Kolb, T.
2024, February 21. 3rd MTET Topic-Workshop Resource and Energy Efficiency (2024), Karlsruhe, February 21–22, 2024
Scale-up and design of gas-assisted atomizers. PhD dissertation
Wachter, S.
2023, June 26. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000159585
High Pressure Entrained Flow Gasification - a Key Enabling Technology in Circular Economy
Fleck, S.; Haas, M.; Santo, U.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.
2023, June 12. Helmholtz Energy Conference (2023), Koblenz, Germany, June 12–13, 2023
Burner Development for Entrained Flow Gasification - Mass Flow Scaling of Gas Assisted Burner Nozzles
Jakobs, T.; Richter, J.; Wachter, S.; Fleck, S.; Kolb, T.
2023, March 28. Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet Fachgruppe Hochtemperaturtechnik (2023), Karlsruhe, Germany, March 28–29, 2023
Experimental investigation on entrainment in two-phase free jets
Hotz, C.; Haas, M.; Wachter, S.; Fleck, S.; Kolb, T.
2023. Fuel, 335, Article no: 126912. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2022.126912
Entrained flow gasification: Impact of fuel spray distribution on reaction zone structure
Haas, M.; Dammann, M.; Fleck, S.; Kolb, T.
2023. Fuel, 334 (2), Art.-Nr.: 126572. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2022.126572
Burner Development and Optimization for High Pressure Entrained Flow Gasifiers
Jakobs, J.; Haas, M.; Fleck, S.; Santo, U.; Kolb, T.
2023. 11th International Freiberg Conference (2023), Rotterdam, Netherlands, September 24–29, 2023
Effect of nozzle up-scaling on coaxial, gas-assisted atomization
Zhang, F.; Wachter, S.; Zirwes, T.; Jakobs, T.; Zarzalis, N.; Trimis, D.; Kolb, T.; Stapf, D.
2023. Physics of Fluids, 35 (4), Art.-Nr.: 043302. doi:10.1063/5.0141156
Numerical simulations of air-assisted primary atomization at different air-to-liquid injection angles
Zhang, F.; Zirwes, T.; Wachter, S.; Jakobs, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Trimis, D.; Kolb, T.; Bockhorn, H.; Stapf, D.
2023. International journal of multiphase flow, 158, Art.-Nr.: 104304. doi:10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2022.104304
A Highspeed‐Camera Based Measurement System for the High‐Pressure Entrained‐Flow Gasification
Matthes, J.; Kollmer, M.; Eberhard, M.; Hagenmeyer, V.; Kolb, T.
2022. Chemical Engineering & Technology, 45 (12), 2313–2322. doi:10.1002/ceat.202200434
Burner Development for High Pressure Entrained Flow Gasification
Jakobs, T.; Wachter, S.; Haas, M.; Fleck, S.; Kolb, T.
2022, September 14. DECHEMA 2022 Jahrestagung - (Bio)Process Engineering - a Key to Sustainable Development (2022), Aachen, Germany, September 12–15, 2022
Entrained‐flow gasification of pyrolysis oil – Influence of flame structure on fuel conversion
Haas, M.; Fleck, S.; Böning, D.; Santo, U.; Kolb, T.
2022. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 94 (9), 1294–1294. doi:10.1002/cite.202255060
Burner Development for High Pressure Entrained Flow Gasification
Jakobs, T.; Wachter, S.; Haas, M.; Fleck, S.; Kolb, T.
2022. Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik, 94 (9), Article no: 1215. doi:10.1002/cite.202255022
Operations of the bioliq® pilot plant - entrained flow gasification in 5 MW pilot scale
Zimmerlin, B.; Eberhard, M.; Dahmen, N.; Lam, H.; Mai, R.; Michelfelder, B.; Niebel, A.; Otto, T.; Pfitzer, C.; Willy, M.; Kolb, T.; Sauer, J.; Stapf, D.
2022, September. 2. Waste2H2-Workshop : Workshop and Summerschool (2022), KIT, September 19–26, 2022
Method for calculating the urea release and decomposition in the NOxOUT process in the context of a live optimization approach
Beerbaum, D.
2022, April 21. 13th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers (INFUB 2022), Albufeira, Portugal, April 19–22, 2022
Thermal radiation at high-temperature and high-pressure conditions: Comparison of models for design and scale-up of entrained flow gasification processes
Dammann, M.; Mancini, M.; Kolb, T.; Weber, R.
2022, April. 13th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers (INFUB 2022), Albufeira, Portugal, April 19–22, 2022
Thermal radiation at high-temperature and high-pressure conditions: Comparison of models for design and scale-up of entrained flow gasification processes
Dammann, M.; Mancini, M.; Kolb, T.; Weber, R.
2022. Conference proceedings der 13. European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers (INFUB-13), 19.04.2022-22.04.2022, Algarve, Portugal, Centro de Energia e Tecnologia (CENERTEC)
Method for calculating the urea release and decomposition in the NOxOUT process in the context of a live optimization approach
Beerbaum, D.; Bernhardt, D.; Jakobs, T.; Beckmann, M.; Kolb, T.
2022. 13th European Conference on Industrial Furnances and Boilers (INFUB 2022), Algarve, P, April 19-22, 2022
CarbonCycleLab: Wasserstoff für die Circular Economy = CarbonCycleLab: Hydrogen for the Circular Economy
Mrosk, C.; Kolb, T.; Stapf, D.; Sauer, J.
2022. LookIT. LookKIT : Das Magazin für Forschung, Lehre, Innovation, (01/2022), 38–41
Mass Flow Scaling of Gas-Assisted Coaxial Atomizers
Wachter, S.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.
2022. Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 12 (4), Art.-Nr.: 2123. doi:10.3390/app12042123
Two-phase free jet model of an atmospheric entrained flow gasifier
Hotz, C.; Haas, M.; Wachter, S.; Fleck, S.; Kolb, T.
2021. Fuel, 304, Art.-Nr.: 121392. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2021.121392
Reaction Kinetics of Biogenic Solid Fuels under Process Conditions of Technical Entrained-Flow Gasifiers. PhD dissertation
Schneider, C.
2021, October 21. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000139237
Entwicklung eines semianalytischen Berechnungs-werkzeuges zur Modellierung des Stoffeintrages durch technische Zerstäuber für die Auslegung und Optimierung verfahrenstechnischer Prozesse
Beerbaum, D.; Bernhardt, D.; Beckmann, M.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.
2021, September 29. 30. Deutscher Flammentag (2021), Hanover, Germany, September 28–29, 2021
Detailed Experimental Analysis of Flow Field and Flame Structure in an Entrained Flow Gasifier - Insights into Reaction Zones in Liquid Fuel Gasification
Haas, M.; Fleck, S.; Kolb, T.
2021, September 28. 30. Deutscher Flammentag (2021), Hanover, Germany, September 28–29, 2021
Entrained flow gasification: Experiments and balancing for design and scale-up
Santo, U.; Böning, D.; Eberhard, M.; Schmid, H.; Kolb, T.
2021, September 28. 30. Deutscher Flammentag (2021), Hanover, Germany, September 28–29, 2021
Simulations of Air-assisted Primary Atomization at Different Air-to-Liquid Injection Angles for Entrained Flow Gasification
Zhang, F.; Zirwes, T.; Wachter, S.; Jakobs, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Trimis, D.; Kolb, T.; Bockhorn, H.
2021. 30. Deutscher Flammentag, Deutsche Sektion des Combustion Institutes und DVV/VDI-Gesellschaft Energie und Umwelt. Ed.: F. Dinkelacker, 1116–1125
Entwicklung eines semianalytischen Berechnungswerkzeuges zur Modellierung des Stoffeintrages durch technische Zerstäuber für die Auslegung und Optimierung verfahrenstechnischer Prozesse
Beerbaum, D.; Bernhardt, D.; Beckmann, M.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.
2021. 30. Deutschen Flammentag, Hannover, 28.9.-29.09.2021. Hrsg.: Deutsche Vereinigung für Verbrennungsforschung e.V
Entrained flow gasification: Mathematical modelling based on RANS for design and scale-up
Dammann, M.; Mancini, M.; Weber, R.; Kolb, T.
2021. Conference proceedings des 30. Deutschen Flammentag (2021), 28.09.2021 – 29.09.2021, Hannover, Deutschland, Deutsche Vereinigung für Verbrennungsforschung e.V
Entrained flow gasification: Mathematical modelling based on RANS for design and scale-up
Dammann, M.; Mancini, M.; Weber, R.; Kolb, T.
2021, September. 30. Deutscher Flammentag (2021), Hanover, Germany, September 28–29, 2021
Comparison of Central Jet and Annular Sheet Atomizers at Identical Gas Momentum Flows
Wachter, S.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.
2021. Industrial & engineering chemistry research, 60 (30), 11502–11512. doi:10.1021/acs.iecr.1c01526
Country Report Germany 2018
Eberhard, M.; Kolb, T.
2021, June 3
Towards system pressure scaling of gas assisted coaxial burner nozzles – An empirical model
Wachter, S.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.
2021. Applications in energy and combustion science, 5, Art.-Nr. 100019. doi:10.1016/j.jaecs.2020.100019
The bioliq® entrained-flow-gasifier - Developments in optimizing the central process unit in a sustainable biomass-to-liquid process chain
Eberhard, M.; Santo, U.; Schmid, H.; Zimmerlin, B.; Weigand, P.; Kolb, T.
2021. 7th International Symposium on Gasification and its Applications (ISGA 2021), Online, September 27–30, 2021
Entrained flow gasification: Experiments and balancing for design and scale-up
Santo, U.; Böning, D.; Eberhard, M.; Schmid, H.; Kolb, T.
2021. 30. Deutschen Flammentag, Hannover, 28.9.-29.09.2021, Deutsche Vereinigung für Verbrennungsforschung e.V
Effect of gas jet angle on primary breakup and droplet size applying coaxial gas-assisted atomizers
Wachter, S.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.
2021. ICLASS 2021, 15thTriennial International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Edinburgh, UK, 29 Aug. -2 Sept. 2021. Vol: 1,1, Paper 31. doi:10.2218/iclass.2021.5808
Optimization of Slag Mobility of Biomass Fuels in a Pilot‐scale Entrained‐Flow Gasifier
Mielke, K.; Wu, G.; Eberhard, M.; Kolb, T.; Müller, M.
2021. Chemical engineering & technology, 44 (7), Art. ceat.202000531. doi:10.1002/ceat.202000531
Effect of elevated pressure on air-assisted primary atomization of coaxial liquid jets : Basic research for entrained flow gasification
Zhang, F.; Zirwes, T.; Müller, T.; Wachter, S.; Jakobs, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Trimis, D.; Kolb, T.
2020. Renewable & sustainable energy reviews, 134, Article no: 110411. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2020.110411
Sektorenkopplung mit Gas im Rahmen des BMBF-Vorhabens SEKO – Teil 2: Gasfachliche Untersuchungen
Graf, F.; Sauerschell, S.; Prabhakaran, P.; Bajohr, S.; Slama, J.; Stapf, D.; Kolb, T.
2020. Energie-, Wasser-Praxis, (10), 43–49
FT2.3 Verlinkung entlang der Prozesskette "Thermochemische Biomasse-Konversion"
Bähr, J.; Raffelt, K.
2020, September 28. (M. Eberhard, Ed.), Abschlusskonferenz Energie System 2050 (2020), Berlin, Germany, September 28–29, 2020
Sektorenkopplung mit Gas im Rahmen des BMBF-Vorhabens SEKO. Teil 1 : Forschungsinfrastruktur EnergyLab 2.0
Graf, F.; Sauerschell, S.; Prabhakaran, P.; Bajohr, S.; Slama, J.; Stapf, D.; Kolb, T.
2020. Energie-, Wasser-Praxis, (9), 26–29
The bioliq® Entrained-Flow Gasifier - A Model for the German Energiewende
Eberhard, M.; Santo, U.; Michelfelder, B.; Günther, A.; Weigand, P.; Matthes, J.; Waibel, P.; Hagenmeyer, V.; Kolb, T.
2020. ChemBioEng reviews, 7 (4), 1–14. doi:10.1002/cben.202000006
Air-Assisted Atomization at Constant Mass and Momentum Flow Rate: Investigation into the Ambient Pressure Influence With the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Method
Chaussonnet, G.; Joshi, S.; Wachter, S.; Koch, R.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.; Bauer, H.-J.
2020. Journal of engineering for gas turbines and power, 142 (3), Art.Nr. 031019. doi:10.1115/1.4044968
Effect of Solid Particles on Droplet Size Applying the Time-Shift Method for Spray Investigation
Wachter, S.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.
2020. Applied Sciences, 10 (21), Article no: 7615. doi:10.3390/app10217615
State of the Art of Hydrogen Production via Pyrolysis of Natural Gas
Schneider, S.; Bajohr, S.; Graf, F.; Kolb, T.
2020. ChemBioEng reviews, 7 (5), 150–158. doi:10.1002/cben.202000014
Power‐to‐Gas: CO2 Methanation Concepts for SNG Production at the Engler‐Bunte‐Institut
Held, M.; Schollenberger, D.; Sauerschell, S.; Bajohr, S.; Kolb, T.
2020. Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik, 92 (5), 595–602. doi:10.1002/cite.201900181
Cost optimisation and life cycle analysis of SOEC based Power to Gas systems used for seasonal energy storage in decentral systems
Prabhakaran, P.; Giannopoulos, D.; Köppel, W.; Mukherjee, U.; Remesh, G.; Graf, F.; Trimis, D.; Kolb, T.; Founti, M.
2019. Journal of energy storage, 26, 100987. doi:10.1016/j.est.2019.100987
Synthesegas aus Reststoffen. Werkzeuge zur Bilanzierung eines Flugstromvergasers
Kolb, T.; Eberhard, M.; Santo, U.; Zimmerlin, B.
2019, November 4. Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgemeinschaften "Prozess-, Apparate- und Anlagentechnik" unterstützt durch „Sustainable Production, Energy and Resources" (2019), Dortmund, Germany, November 4–5, 2019
Entrained flow gasification: Experiments and mathematical modelling based on RANS
Dammann, M.; Mancini, M.; Fleck, S.; Weber, R.; Kolb, T.
2019, September. 29. Deutscher Flammentag (2019), Bochum, Germany, September 17–18, 2019
Entrained flow gasification: Experiments and mathematical modelling based on RANS
Dammann, M.; Mancini, M.; Fleck, S.; Weber, R.; Kolb, T.
2019. Conference proceedings des 29. Deutschen Flammentag (2019), 17.09.2019 – 18.09.2019, Bochum, Deutschland
Untersuchung von Brennerdüsen bei erhöhtem Systemdruck
Wachter, S.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.
2019, April 3. Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe "Hochtemperaturtechnik" (2019), Karlsruhe, Germany, April 2–3, 2019
Toward the development of a virtual spray test-rig using the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics method
Chaussonnet, G.; Braun, S.; Dauch, T.; Keller, M.; Sänger, A.; Jakobs, T.; Koch, R.; Kolb, T.; Bauer, H.-J.
2019. Computers & fluids, 180, 68–81. doi:10.1016/j.compfluid.2019.01.010
Entrained flow gasification of biogenic fuels – application of characteristic parameters to describe syngas quality and yield
Fleck, S.; Santo, U.; Eberhard, M.; Haas, M.; Kolb, T.
2019. 29. Deutscher Flammentag Bochum, 17-18 September 2019
Entrained flow gasification of biogenic fuels – application of characteristic parameters to describe syngas quality and yield
Fleck, S.; Santo, U.; Eberhard, M.; Haas, M.; Kolb, T.
2019. 29. Deutscher Flammentag (2019), Bochum, Germany, September 17–18, 2019
Reaction Zone Characterization in Entrained Flow Gasification Spray Flames
Haas, M.; Fleck, S.; Hotz, C.; Kolb, T.
2019. Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe "Hochtemperaturtechnik" (2019), Karlsruhe, Germany, April 2–3, 2019
CNG und LNG aus biogenen Reststoffen – ein Konzept zur ressourcenschonenden Kraftstoffproduktion
Müller, C.; Anghilante, R.; Schmid, M.; Härdtlein, M.; Spörl, R.; Colomar, D.; Ortloff, F.; Eltrop, L.; Graf, F.; Bajohr, S.; Kolb, T.
2019. Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik, 92 (1-2), 144–155. doi:10.1002/cite.201900097
Numerical and Experimental Investigations of Primary Breakup of High-Viscous Fluid at Elevated Pressure [in press]
Zhang, F.; Zirwes, T.; Wachter, S.; Jakobs, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Dimosthenis, T.; Kolb, T.
2019. 29th European Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Paris, 2-4 Sep 2019
Comparison of spray quality for two different flow configurations: Central liquid jet versus annular liquid sheet
Wachter, S.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.
2019. 29th European Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Paris, 2-4 Sep 2019
Application of the SPH Method to Predict Primary Breakup in Complex Geometries
Chaussonnet, G.; Dauch, T.; Braun, S.; Keller, M.; Kaden, J.; Schwitzke, C.; Jakobs, T.; Koch, R.; Bauer, H.-J.
2019. High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ’ 18 – Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2018. Ed.: W. Nagel, 309–322, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-13325-2_19
Numerical and Experimental Investigations of Primary Breakup of High-Viscous Fluid at Elevated Pressure
Zhang, F.; Zirwes, T.; Wachter, S.; Jakobs, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Trimis, D.; Kolb, T.
2019. 29th European Conference Liquid Atomization & Spray Systems (ILASS 2019), Paris, France, September 2–4, 2019
Effect of elevated pressure on primary jet-breakup: Basic research for entrained flow gasification
Zhang, F.; Müller, T.; Zirwes, T.; Wachter, S.; Jakobs, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Trimis, D.; Kolb, T.
2019. 29. Deutscher Flammentag (2019), Bochum, Germany, September 17–18, 2019
Air-Assisted Atomization at Constant Mass and Momentum Flow Rate: Investigation of the Ambient Pressure Influence with the SPH Method
Chaussonnet, G.; Joshi, S.; Wachter, S.; Koch, R.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.; Bauer, H.-J.
2019. Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2019: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition (GT2019), The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/GT2019-90372
bioliq®-Pilotanlage zur Herstellung synthetischer Kraftstoffe - Betriebserfahrungen [Vortrag]
Zimmerlin, B.; Eberhard, M.; Lam, H.; Mai, R.; Michelfelder, B.; Niebel, A.; Otto, T.; Pfitzer, C.; Weih, N.; Willy, M.; Leibold, H.; Dahmen, N.; Kolb, T.; Sauer, J.; Stapf, D.
2019. DGMK-Fachbereichstagung: Thermochemische Konversion – Schlüsselbaustein für zukünftige Energie- und Rohstoffsysteme (2019), Dresden, Germany, May 23–24, 2019
bioliq®-Pilotanlage zur Herstellung synthetischer Kraftstoffe - Betriebserfahrungen [Proceedingsbeitrag]
Zimmerlin, B.; Eberhard, M.; Lam, H.; Mai, R.; Michelfelder, B.; Niebel, A.; Otto, T.; Pfitzer, C.; Weih, N.; Willy, M.; Leibold, H.; Dahmen, N.; Kolb, T.; Sauer, J.; Stapf, D.
2019. DGMK-Fachbereichstagung: Thermochemische Konversion – Schlüsselbaustein für zukünftige Energie- und Rohstoffsysteme, Dresden, 23.-24. Mai 2019
Reaktoren für Dreiphasen-Reaktionen: Suspensionsreaktoren
Mörs, F.; Graf, F.; Kolb, T.
2019. Handbuch Chemische Reaktoren: Grundlagen und Anwendungen der Chemischen Reaktionstechnik. Hrsg.: W. Reschetilowski, 1–32, Springer Spektrum. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-56444-8_33-1
bioliq®-Pilot Plant – A multidisciplinary research platform
Zimmerlin, B.; Dahmen, N.; Kolb, T.; Neuberger, M.; Sauer, J.; Stapf, D.
2019. Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe "Hochtemperaturtechnik" (2019), Karlsruhe, Germany, April 2–3, 2019
Entrained flow gasification. Part 2: Mathematical modeling of the gasifier using RANS method
Mancini, M.; Alberti, M.; Dammann, M.; Santo, U.; Eckel, G.; Kolb, T.; Weber, R.
2018. Fuel, 225, 596–611. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2018.03.100
Dynamic Methanol Synthesis from Sustainable Feedstocks
Nestler, F.; Berger, S.; Mayorga Gonzalez, R.; Full, J.; Hadrich, M. J.; White, R. J.; Schaadt, A.; Bajohr, S.; Kolb, T.
2018, June 4. International Workshop I "Perspectives on Power-to-Liquids & -Chemicals" (2018), Freiburg, Germany, June 4–5, 2018
The bioliq® Entrained-Flow Gasifier – Optimizing the Central Unit in a Sustainable Biomass-to-Liquid Process
Eberhard, M.; Santo, U.; Schmid, H.; Michelfelder, B.; Günther, A.; Weigand, P.; Stapf, D.; Kolb, T.; Zimmerlin, B.
2018, June 3. 9th International Freiberg Conference on IGCC & XtL Technologies (2018), Berlin, Germany, June 3–8, 2018
Data Validation and Reconciliation of Entrained-Flow Gasification with Aspen Plus
Covella, K.; Cavagnol, S. M.; Müller-Hagedorn, M.; Zimmerlin, B.; Kolb, T.
2018, June 3. 9th International Freiberg Conference on IGCC & XtL Technologies (2018), Berlin, Germany, June 3–8, 2018
Entrained flow gasification: Experiments and mathematical modelling based on RANS
Dammann, M.; Mancini, M.; Fleck, S.; Weber, R.; Kolb, T.
2018, May. Joint Meeting of the German and Italian Sections of the Combustion Institute (2018), Sorrento, Italy, May 23–26, 2018
Entrained flow gasification: Experiments and mathematical modelling based on RANS
Dammann, M.; Mancini, M.; Fleck, S.; Weber, R.; Kolb, T.
2018. Conference proceedings of the Joint Meeting of The German and Italian Sections of The Combustion Institute - 41st Meeting of the Italian Section of the Combustion Institute
Entrained Flow Gasification Part 1 : Gasification of Glycol in an Atmospheric-pressure Experimental Rig
Fleck, S.; Santo, U.; Hotz, C.; Jakobs, T.; Eckel, G.; Mancini, M.; Weber, R.; Kolb, T.
2018. Fuel, 217, 306–319. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2017.12.077
Reaction Kinetics and Reactive Surface Area during Gasification of High-Temperature Biomass Char with CO2
Schneider, C.; Stoesser, P.; Rincon, S.; Kolb, T.
2018, February 15. 2nd International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion, Bochum, 14. - 15.02.2018
Gas analysis in gasification of biomass and waste - Guideline Report 2 - Factsheets on gas analysis techniques
Eberhard, M.; Kolb, T.; u.a.
2018. (G. Aranda Almansa, C. Mourao Vilela & B. J. Vreugdenhil, Eds.), International Energy Agency (IAE)
Gas analysis in gasification of biomass and waste - Guideline report 1
Eberhard, M.; Kolb, T.; u.a.
2018. (G. Aranda Almansa, C. Mourao Vilela & B. J. Vreugdenhil, Eds.), International Energy Agency (IAE)
IEA Biomass Agreement Task 33 - Country Report Germany 2018
Eberhard, M.; Kolb, T.
2018. International Energy Agency (IAE)
Entfernung von Sauerstoff aus Biogas via Methanoxidation. Einsatz neuartiger Katalysatoren
Gegenheimer, J.; Schrelter, N.; Worch, D.; Trouillet, V.; Kureti, S.; Lubenau, U.; Ortloff, F.; Kolb, T.
2018. GWF / Gas, Erdgas, (10), 116–123
Residual biomass to gasoline – operations of the bioliq® pilot plant
Zimmerlin, B.; Eberhard, M.; Dahmen, N.; Kolb, T.; Lam, H.; Mai, R.; Michelfelder, B.; Niebel, A.; Pfitzer, C.; Sauer, J.; Stapf, D.; Weigand, P.; Willy, M.
2018. Advanced Bioeconomy Leadership Conference (ABLC Global 2018), San Francisco, CA, USA, November 6–9, 2018
Influence of Reactor Pressure on the Primary Jet Breakup of High-Viscosity Fuels: Basic Research for Simulation-Assisted Design of Low-Grade Fuel Burner
Sänger, A.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.; Müller, T.; Kadel, K.; Habisreuther, P.; Trimis, D.; Zarzalis, N.
2018. ASME Turbo Expo : Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition (GT), Oslo, Norway, June 11–15, 2018. Vol.: 3, Article no: 75950, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/GT2018-75950
Simulation of the Primary Jet Breakup of Non-Newtonian Fuels: Basic Research for Simulation-Assisted Design of Low-Grade Fuel Burner
Müller, T.; Kadel, K.; Habisreuther, P.; Trimis, D.; Zarzalis, N.; Sänger, A.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.
2018. ASME Turbo Expo : Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition GT2018, Oslo, Norway, June 11–15, 2018. Vol.: 3, Article no: 75945, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/GT2018-75945
Three-dimensional SPH simulation of a twin-fluid atomizer operating at high pressure [in press]
Chaussonnet, G.; Braun, S.; Dauch, T.; Keller, M.; Kaden, J.; Jakobs, T.; Schwitzke, C.; Koch, R.; Bauer, H.-J.
2018. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Liquid Atomization & Spray Systems (ICLASS2018), Chicago, IL, July 22-26, 2018
Entrained flow gasification. Part 3: Insight into the injector near-field by Large Eddy Simulation with detailed chemistry
Eckel, G.; Le Clercq, P.; Kathrotia, T.; Saenger, A.; Fleck, S.; Mancini, M.; Kolb, T.; Aigner, M.
2018. Fuel, 223, 164–178. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2018.02.176
Der bioliq®-Flugstromvergaser : Ein Baustein der Energiewende = The bioliq® Entrained-Flow Gasifier : a Module for the German Energiewende
Eberhard, M.; Santo, U.; Böning, D.; Schmid, H.; Michelfelder, B.; Zimmerlin, B.; Günther, A.; Weigand, P.; Müller-Hagedorn, M.; Stapf, D.; Kolb, T.
2018. Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik, 90 (1-2), 85–98. doi:10.1002/cite.201700086
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Simulation of an Air-Assisted Atomizer Operating at High Pressure: Influence of Non-Newtonian Effects
Chaussonnet, G.; Koch, R.; Bauer, H.-J.; Sänger, A.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.
2018. Journal of fluids engineering, 140 (6), Art. Nr.: 061301. doi:10.1115/1.4038753
On the influence of different experimental systems on measured heterogeneous gasification kinetics
Stoesser, P.; Schneider, C.; Kreitzberg, T.; Kneer, R.; Kolb, T.
2018. Applied energy, 211, 582–589. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.11.037
Determination of heterogeneous reaction kinetics of high-temperature biomass char
Schneider, C.; Stoesser, P.; Rincon, S.; Kolb, T.
2017. Verbrennung und Feuerung : 28. Deutscher Flammentag 2017, Darmstadt, Germany, 6th - 7th September 2017, 331–343, VDI Verlag
Coke Slurries with Improved Higher Heating Value and Good Processability via Particle Shape Design
Jampolski, L.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.; Willenbacher, N.
2017. Chemical engineering & technology, 40 (10), 1885–1894. doi:10.1002/ceat.201700061
Determination of Heterogeneous Reaction Kinetics of High-Temperature Biomass Char
Schneider, C.; Stoesser, P.; Rincon, S.; Kolb, T.
2017. 28. Deutscher Flammentag (2017), Darmstadt, Germany, September 6–7, 2017
Bioenergy Research : Processes and Process Chains
Stapf, D.; Dahmen, N.; Kolb, T.; Sauer, J.
2017. China-Workshop „Energie“, Karlsruhe, Germany, 25th - 26th July 2017
SPH Simulation of an Air-Assisted Atomizer Operating at High Pressure : Influence of Non-Newtonian Effects
Chaussonnet, G.; Koch, R.; Bauer, H.-J.; Sänger, A.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.
2017. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2017 : Turbomachinery Technical Conference & Exposition, Volume 3 : Coal, Biomass and Alternative Fuels, Cycle Innovations; Electric Power, Industrial and Cogeneration Applications, Organic Rankine Cycle Power Systems, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, 26th - 30th June 2017, Art.Nr. GT2017–63033, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/GT2017-63033
Flow Behavior and Aging of Pyrolysis Oils from Different Feedstocks
Jampolski, L.; Tomasi Morgano, M.; Seifert, H.; Kolb, T.; Willenbacher, N.
2017. Energy & fuels, 31 (5), 5165–5173. doi:10.1021/acs.energyfuels.7b00196
Infrared absorption spectrometer for the determination of temperature and species profiles in an entrained flow gasifier
Nau, P.; Kutne, P.; Eckel, G.; Meier, W.; Hotz, C.; Fleck, S.
2017. Applied optics, 56 (11), 2982–2990. doi:10.1364/AO.56.002982
Influence of nozzle design upon the primary jet breakup of high-viscosity fuels for entrained flow gasification
Müller, T.; Dullenkopf, A.; Sänger, A.; Habisreuther, P.; Jakobs, T.; Zarzalis, N.; Kolb, T.
2017. Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2017: Turbine Technical Conference and Expo, ASME, Charlotte, NC, June 26-30, 2017
Influence of Nozzle Design Upon the Primary Jet Breakup of High-Viscosity Fuels for Entrained Flow Gasification
Müller, T.; Dullenkopf, A.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Sänger, A.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.
2017. Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2017 : Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Volume 3 : Coal, Biomass and Alternative Fuels : Cycle Innovations : Electric Power : Industrial and Cogeneration Applications : Organic Rankine Cycle Power Systems, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, 26th - 30th June 2017, Art. Nr. V003T03A002, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/GT2017-63198
Thermophysical and chemical properties of bioliq slags
Seebold, S.; Eberhard, M.; Wu, G.; Yazhenskikh, E.; Sergeev, D.; Kolb, T.; Müller, M.
2017. Fuel, 197, 596–604. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2017.02.027
Synergies between energy supply networks
Wu, J.; Yan, J.; Desideri, U.; Deconinck, G.; Madsen, H.; Huitema, G.; Kolb, T.
2017. Applied energy, 192, 263–267. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.02.038
The bioliq process for producing synthetic transportation fuels
Dahmen, N.; Abeln, J.; Eberhard, M.; Kolb, T.; Leibold, H.; Sauer, J.; Stapf, D.; Zimmerlin, B.
2017. Wiley interdisciplinary reviews / Energy and Environment, 6 (3), Article no e236. doi:10.1002/wene.236
Novel gas holdup correlation for slurry bubble column reactors operated in the homogeneous regime
Götz, M.; Lefebvre, J.; Mörs, F.; Ortloff, F.; Reimert, R.; Bajohr, S.; Kolb, T.
2017. The chemical engineering journal, 308, 1209–1224. doi:10.1016/j.cej.2016.09.101
Measurement of the equivalence ratio in an atmospheric gasifier using laser induced breakdown spectroscopy
Kutne, P.; Ebenhoch, M.; Meier, W.; Fleck, S.; Hotz, C.
2016. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. Laser Applications to Chemical, Security and Environmental Analysis, LACSEA 2016; Kongresshaus Stadthalle HeidelbergHeidelberg; Germany; 25 July 2016 through 28 July 2016, Optica Publishing Group (OSA). doi:10.1364/LACSEA.2016.LM2E.2
Thermochemical Biomass Char Conversion: Study on Pyrolysis and Gasification Kinetics
Schneider, C.; Stoesser, P.; Rincon, S.; Kolb, T.
2016. The 41st International Technical Conference on Clean Coal & Fuel Systems, 05.-09.06.2016, Clearwater, Fl, USA
Tailoring the Flow Behavior of Coke Water Slurries for Entrained Flow Gasification
Jampolski, L.; Sänger, A.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.; Willenbacher, N.
2016. Advanced Biofuels Symposium 2016, Vancouver, CDN, 06.-08.07.2016
Flow Behavior and Aging of Pyrolysis Oils from Different Feedstocks
Jampolski, L.; Tomasi-Morgano, M.; Jakobs, T.; Leibold, H.; Kolb, T.; Willenbacher, N.
2016. Advanced Biofuels Symposium 2016, 06.-08.07.2016, Vancouver, Canada
FT2.3 Verlinkung entlang der Prozesskette "Thermochemische Biomasse-Konversion"
Eberhard, M.; Raffelt, K.; Sauer, J.; Kolb, T.
2016. ES2050 Workshop FT2 Biogene Energieträger, Frankfurt a. Main, 16.09.2016
Measurement of the equivalence ratio in an atmospheric gasifier using laser induced breakdown spectroscopy
Kutne, P.; Ebenhoch, M.; Meier, W.; Fleck, S.; Hotz, C.; Kolb, T.
2016. 2016 Imaging and Applied Optics Congress, Heidelberg, 25.-28.07.2016
Development of an infrared absorption spectrometer for height resolved temperature and species concentration measurements in a gasifier
Nau, P.; Kutne, P.; Eckel, G.; Meier, W.; Hotz, C.; Fleck, S.
2016. 2016 Imaging and Applied Optics Congress, July 25- 28, 2016 Heidelberg, Germany, Optica Publishing Group (OSA). doi:10.1364/LACSEA.2016.LM2E.3
Droptube Experiments to Characterize Secondary Pyrolysis of Biomass Char
Stoesser, P.; Schneider, C.; Kolb, T.
2016. 1st International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion Montabaur, 10.-11.02.2016
Untersuchung des Zerfalls des Brennstoffstrahls bei hochviskosen Brennstoffen im Flugstromvergaser
Müller, T.; Sänger, A.; Habisreuther, P.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.; Zarzalis, N.
2016. Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet Fachgruppe „Hochtemperaturtechnik”, Erlangen-Nürnberg, 10.-11. März 2016
Tackling the challenges in modelling entrained-flow gasification of low-grade feedstock
Kolb, T.; Aigner, M.; Kneer, R.; Müller, M.; Weber, R.; Djordjevic, N.
2016. Journal of the Energy Institute, 89 (4), 485–503. doi:10.1016/j.joei.2015.07.007
Investigation on the jet breakup of high-viscous fuels for entrained flow gasification
Müller, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Sänger, A.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.
2016. ASME Turbo Expo. Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Seoul, South Korea, June 14-16, 2016
Zerstäubung hochviskoser Brennstoffe aus Restbiomasse für die Hochdruck-Flugstromvergasung
Jakobs, T.; Sänger, A.; Kolb, T.
2016. Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet Fachgruppen „Energieverfahrenstechnik” und „Abfallbehandlung und Wertstoffrückgewinnung", Frankfurt am Main, 23.-24.02.2016
Investigations on fuel rheology and spray quality for high pressure entrained flow gasification of biomass based fuels
Jakobs, T.; Sänger, A.; Jampolski, L.; Willenbacher, N.; Kolb, T.
2016. Innovative Coal Value Chains. 8th International Freiberg Conference on IGCC & XtL Technologies. Köln, 12.-16.06.2016
Einfluss des Fließverhaltens von Koks-Wasser-Suspensionen im Rahmen des bioliq®-Verfahrens auf den Prozess
Jampolski, L.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.; Willenbacher, N.
2016. Rheologie als Schlüssel zu einem erfolgreichen Produktdesign. Gemeinsame Diskussionstagung der Deutschen Rheologischen Gesellschaft und der ProcessNet Fachgruppe „Rheologie" (DRG/ProcessNet – Rheologentagung), Berlin, 14.-15.03.2016
Using primary instability analysis for determination of apparent liquid viscosity at jet breakup atomizing non-Newtonian Fluids
Sänger, A.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.
2016. ILASS - Europe 2016, 27th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Brighton, UK, 04.-07.09.2016, Paper AA-18, 8 S., Fraunhofer IRB Verlag
Using primary instability analysis for determination of apparent liquid viscosity at jet breakup atomizing non-Newtonian Fluids
Sänger, A.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.
2016. 27th European Conference Liquid Atomization & Spray Systems (ILASS 2016), Brighton, United Kingdom, September 4–7, 2016
Vergasung biomasse-basierter Brennstoffsuspensionen in einem atmosphärischen Flugstromvergaser
Fleck, S.; Hotz, C.; Kolb, T.
2016. DGMK-Tagung „Konversion von Biomassen und Kohlen”, Rotenburg a.d.Fulda, 09.-11.05.2016, 103–104, Deutsche Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Erdöl, Erdgas und Kohle e.V. (DGMK)
HVIGasTech: Thermophysical and Chemical Properties of BioLiq Slags
Seebold, S.; Eberhard, M.; Wu, G.; Yazhenskikh, E.; Sergeev, D.; Kolb, T.; Müller, M.
2016. Innovative Coal Value Chains, 8th International Freiberg Conference on IGCC & XtL Technologies, Köln, 12.-16.06.2016
Entrained flow gasification of ash containing slurries for the production of bio-based syngas in the bioliqTM demo-scale plant
Müller-Hagedorn, M.; Covella, K.; Weigand, P.; Michelfelder, B.; Eberhard, M.; Kolb, T.
2016. 8th International Freiberg Conference on IGCC & XtL Technologies, Innovative Coal Value Chains, Köln, 12.-16.06.2016
Status Quo of the bioliq®-process at KIT
Zimmerlin, B.; Eberhard, M.; Fridbjarnarson, G.; Galla, U.; Kolb, T.; Mai, R.; Michelfelder, B.; Niebel, A.; Weirich, F.; Willy, M.
2016. 9th International Seminar on Gasification, 19.-20. Oktober 2016, Malmö, Schweden
Modellierung von Fermentationsreaktoren zur Erzeugung von einspeisefähigem Biogas innerhalb der Power-to-Gas-Kette
Mörs, F.; Bär, K.; Ortloff, F.; Graf, F.; Kolb, T.
2016. Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik, 88 (9), 1329. doi:10.1002/cite.201650390
Modellierung von Fermentationsreaktoren zur Erzeugung von einspeisefähigem Biogas innerhalb der Power-to-Gas-Kette
Mörs, F.; Bär, K.; Ortloff, F.; Graf, F.; Kolb, T.
2016. 32. ProcessNet-Jahrestagung und 32. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen (2016), Aachen, Germany, September 12–15, 2016
Investigation on Jet Breakup of High-Viscous Fuels for Entrained Flow Gasification
Müller, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Sänger, A.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.
2016. ASME Turbo Expo 2016: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Seoul, South Korea, June 13–17, 2016, Volume 3: Coal, Biomass and Alternative Fuels, V003T03A003/1–11, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/GT2016-56371
Simulation of the primary breakup of a high-viscosity liquid jet by a coaxial annular gas flow
Müller, T.; Sänger, A.; Habisreuther, P.; Jakobs, T.; Trimis, D.; Kolb, T.; Zarzalis, N.
2016. International journal of multiphase flow, 87, 212–228. doi:10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2016.09.008
Improving the processability of coke water slurries for entrained flow gasification
Jampolski, L.; Sänger, A.; Jakobs, T.; Guthausen, G.; Kolb, T.; Willenbacher, N.
2016. Fuel, 185, 102–111. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2016.07.102
Hydrodynamics of organic and ionic liquids in a slurry bubble column reactor operated at elevated temperatures
Götz, M.; Lefebvre, J.; Mörs, F.; Reimert, R.; Graf, F.; Kolb, T.
2016. The chemical engineering journal, 286, 348–360. doi:10.1016/j.cej.2015.10.044
Renewable Power-to-Gas: A technological and economic review
Götz, M.; Lefebvre, J.; Mörs, F.; McDaniel Koch, A.; Graf, F.; Bajohr, S.; Reimert, R.; Kolb, T.
2016. Renewable energy, 85, 1371–1390. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2015.07.066
SPH Simulation of a Twin-Fluid Atomizer Operating with a High Viscosity Liquid
Chaussonnet, G.; Braun, S.; Wieth, L.; Kolb, T.; Koch, R.; Bauer, H.-J.; Sänger, A.; Jakobs, T.; Djordjevic, N.
2015. 13th Triennial International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ICLASS 2015), Tainan, TWN, August 23 - 27, 2015. Ed.: T. Lin, 1–8, National Cheng Kung University. doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.4320.7128
Country Activities and Reports: Germany
Kolb, T.
2015. Fall Task Meeting, IEA Task 33: Thermal Gasification of Biomass Berlin, 29.10.2015
Tailoring of coke-water-slurries for EFG
Jampolski, L.; Sänger, A.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.; Willenbacher, N.
2015. Energy, Science and Technology, Conference and Exhibition (EST 2015), Karlsruhe, Germany, May 20–22, 2015
Country Activities and Reports: Germany
Kolb, T.
2015. IEA Task 33: Thermal Gasification of Biomass Ponferrada, Spanien, 11.-13.05.2015
Experimental investigation on the influence of ambient pressure on twin-fluid atomization of liquids with various viscosities
Sänger, A.; Jakobs, T.; Djordjevic, N.; Kolb, T.
2015. ICLASS 2015 / 13th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems : August 23-27, 2015, Tainan, Taiwan. Chairman: Ta-Hui Lin, A2–1
Experimental investigation on the influence of ambient pressure on twin-fluid atomization of liquids with various viscosities
Sänger, A.; Jakobs, T.; Djordjevic, N.; Kolb, T.
2015. ICLASS 2015, 13th Triennial Intenational Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Tainan, Taiwan, 23.-27.08.2015
Processing and Atomization of Complex Fluids for Entrained Flow Gasification
Sänger, A.; Jakobs, T.; Jampolski, L.; Willenbacher, N.; Kolb, T.
2015. Energy, Science and Technology, Conference and Exhibition (EST 2015), Karlsruhe, Germany, May 20–22, 2015
Syngas from Biomass
Kolb, T.
2015. KIC ECF 2015 Conference, Frankfurt am Main, 06.10.2015
Country Report Germany
Kolb, T.; Eberhard, M.
2015. IEA Bioenergy: Task 33 Thermal Gasification of Biomass, Task Meeting, Berlin, 29.10.2015
Rheology of Biomass Suspensions for the bioliq® Process
Jampolski, L.; Sänger, A.; Djordjevic, N.; Kolb, T.; Willenbacher, N.
2015. Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet Fachgruppe "Rheologie", Ludwigshafen, 26.02.2015
Stabilization of coke-water slurries for the bioliq® process
Jampolski, L.; Djordjevic, N.; Kolb, T.
2015. 10th Annual European Rheology Conference (2015), Nantes, France, April 14–17, 2015
Zerstäubung von biosyncrude
Jakobs, T.; Sänger, A.; Jampolski, G.; Chaussonnet, G.; Müller, T.; Willenbacher, N.; Zarzalis, N.; Bauer, H.-J.; Kolb, T.
2015. Bioliq Statusseminar - Querschnittsverbund Sustainable Bioeconomy, Karlsruhe, 01.12.2015
Country Activities Germany
Kolb, T.; Eberhard, M.
2015. IEA Bioenergy - Task 33 - Thermal Gasification of Biomass - Task Meeting, Ponferrada, Spain, 11-13 May 2015
Biomethane in Germany - lessons learned
Graf, F.; Ortloff, F.; Kolb, T.
2015. Proceedings of the 26th World Gas Conference (WGC), Paris, 01.-05.06.2015
Improvement of three-phase methanation reactor performance for steady-state and transient operation
Lefebvre, J.; Götz, M.; Bajohr, S.; Reimert, R.; Kolb, T.
2015. Fuel Processing Technology, 132, 83–90. doi:10.1016/j.fuproc.2014.10.040
Entrained flow gasification for biomass-based slurry
Kolb, T.; Djordjevic, N.
2015. 10th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers (INFUB 2015), Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal, April 7–10, 2015
Influence of fuel specification on gasification performance of biomass based suspension fuels in an atmospheric enrained flow gasifier
Fleck, S.; Santo, U.; Hotz, C.; Boening, D.; Djordjevic, N.; Kolb, T.
2015. International Conference on Thermochemical (TC) Biomass Conversion Science, tcbiomass 2015, Chicago, USA, 02.-05.11.2015
Entrained flow gasification for biomass-based slurry
Kolb, T.; Djordjevic, N.
2015. 10th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers (INFUB 2015), Porto, P, April 7-10, 2015. Proceedings, CD-ROM
Gasification of biomass-based suspension fuels in an atmospheric entrained flow gasifier
Fleck, S.; Hotz, C.; Stoesser, P.; Kolb, T.
2015. 27. Deutscher Flammentag (2015), Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany, September 16–17, 2015
Formation and decay of hydrocarbon intermediates in an entrained flow gasifier
Fleck, S.; Hotz, C.; Kolb, T.; Geigle, K. P.; Kutne, P.
2015. 27. Deutscher Flammentag (2015), Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany, September 16–17, 2015
Gasification of biomass-based suspension fuels in an atmospheric entrained flow gasifier
Fleck, S.; Hotz, C.; Stoesser, P.; Kolb, T.
2015. Verbrennung und Feuerung : 27.Deutscher Flammentag, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, 16.-17.September 2015, 207–217, VDI Verlag
Formation and decay of hydrocarbon intermediates in an entrained flow gasifier
Fleck, S.; Hotz, C.; Kolb, T.; Geigle, K. P.; Kutne, P.
2015. Verbrennung und Feuerung : 27.Deutscher Flammentag, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, 16.-17.September 2015, 697–703, VDI Verlag
Influence of reactor pressure on twin-fluid atomization: Basic investigations on burner design for high-pressure entrained flow gasifier
Jakobs, T.; Djordjevic, N.; Sänger, A.; Zarzalis, N.; Kolb, T.
2015. Atomization and sprays, 25 (12), 1081–1105. doi:10.1615/AtomizSpr.2015011558
Gasification kinetics of biomass- and fossil-based fuels: comparison study using fluidized bed and thermogravimetric analysis
Mueller, A.; Haustein, H. D.; Stoesser, P.; Kreitzberg, T.; Kneer, R.; Kolb, T.
2015. Energy & fuels, 29 (10), 6717–6723. doi:10.1021/acs.energyfuels.5b01123
Einfluss des Reaktordrucks auf die Spraygüte außenmischender Zweistoffdüsen. PhD dissertation
Jakobs, T.
2015. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000048862
Investigation of Entrained Flow Gasification of liquid Fuels at ambient Pressure
Hotz, C.; Fleck, S.; Djordjevic, N.; Kolb, T.
2015. Energy, Science and Technology, Conference and Exhibition (EST 2015), Karlsruhe, Germany, May 20–22, 2015
Formation of by-products during gasification of biomass based suspension fuels in an entrained flow gasifier
Fleck, S.; Geigle, K. P.; Hotz, C.; Djordjevic, N.; Kolb, T.
2015. Energy, Science and Technology, Conference and Exhibition (EST 2015), Karlsruhe, Germany, May 20–22, 2015
Innovative biomethane processes
Graf, F.; Ortloff, F.; Götz, M.; Kolb, T.
2015. Energy, Science and Technology, Conference and Exhibition (EST 2015), Karlsruhe, Germany, May 20–22, 2015
Laser Induced Plasma Spectroscopy (LIBS) as a diagnostic tool for pressurized gasification processes
Kutne, P.; Gounder, J. D.; Fleck, S.
2015. Energy, Science and Technology, Conference and Exhibition (EST 2015), Karlsruhe, Germany, May 20–22, 2015
Tailoring the viscosity function of a coke-water-slurry
Jampolski, L.; Sänger, A.; Djordjevic, N.; Kolb, T.; Willenbacher, N.
2015. Energy, Science and Technology, Conference and Exhibition (EST 2015), Karlsruhe, Germany, May 20–22, 2015
Improving the conversion efficiency of a Power-to-Gas plant by coupling a dynamic SOEC system with a three-phase methanation reactor
Anghilante, R.; Lefebvre, J.; Colomar, D.; Kolb, T.
2015. Energy, Science and Technology, Conference and Exhibition (EST 2015), Karlsruhe, Germany, May 20–22, 2015
Processing and Atomization of Complex Fluids for Entrained Flow Gasification Application
Sänger, A.; Jakobs, T.; Djordjevic, N.; Jampolski, L.; Kolb, T.; Willenbacher, N.
2015. Energy, Science and Technology, Conference and Exhibition (EST 2015), Karlsruhe, Germany, May 20–22, 2015
Einfluss des Reaktordrucks auf die Spraygüte außenmischender Zweistoffdüsen. PhD dissertation
Jakobs, T.
2015. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
High pressure in synthetic fuels production
Dahmen, N.; Arnold, U.; Djordjevic, N.; Henrich, T.; Kolb, T.; Leibold, H.; Sauer, J.
2015. The journal of supercritical fluids, 96, 124–132. doi:10.1016/j.supflu.2014.09.031
Effect of primary instability of a high viscous liquid jet on the spray quality generated by a twin-fluid atomizer
Sänger, A.; Jakobs, T.; Djordjevic, N.; Kolb, T.
2014, September 8. 26th European Conference Liquid Atomization & Spray Systems (ILASS 2014), Bremen, Germany, September 8–10, 2014
Gasification characteristics of steam exploded biomass in an updraft pilot scale gasifier
Gunarathne, D. S.; Müller, A.; Fleck, S.; Kolb, T.; Chmielewski, J. K.; Yang, W.; Blasiak, W.
2014. Energy, 71, 496–506. doi:10.1016/
Effect of primary instability of a high viscous liquid jet on the spray quality generated by a twin-fluid atomizer
Sänger, A.; Jakobs, T.; Djordjevic, N.; Kolb, T.
2014. 26th European Conference Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems : proceedings of the Conference; Bremen, Germany, 08.09.2014 - 10.09.2014. Ed: L. Achelis, Institute for Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ILASS)
TP 69: Einsatz der biologischen Methanisierung für PtG-Konzepte. Entwicklung eines innovativen Gasaufbereitungsverfahrens auf Basis von ionischen Flüssigkeiten
Ortloff, F.; Graf, F.; Kolb, T.
2014. 1.Bioökonomie-Kongress Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart, 29.-30.Oktober 2014
Gasification Characteristics of Hydrothermal Carbonized Biomass in an Updraft Pilot-Scale Gasifier
Gunarathne D. S.; Mueller A.; Fleck, S.; Kolb, T.; Chmielewski, J. K.; Yang, W.; Blasiak W.
2014. Energy & fuels, 28 (3), 1992–2002. doi:10.1021/ef402342e
Teilprojekt VI: Gasaufbereitung und Methanisierung mit ionischen Flüssigkeiten
Ortloff, F.; Götz, M.; Graf, F.; Bajohr, S.; Reimert, R.; Kolb, T.
2014. Energie-, Wasser-Praxis, 66, 67–70
Experimental investigation of entrained flow gasification of biomass suspensions at ambient pressure
Hotz, C.; Fleck, S.; Santo, U.; Boening, D.; Stoesser, P.; Djordjevic, N.; Kolb, T.
2014. 4th International Symposium on Gasification and its Applications (iSGA 2014), Wien, A, September 2-4, 2014
A numerical model for biomass and solid recovered fuel combustion on a reciprocating grate
Mätzing, H.; Gehrmann, H. J.; Kolb, T.; Seifert, H.
2014. 33rd International Conference on Thermal Treatment Technologies (It3), Baltimore, Md., October 13-15, 2014
Biomass char gasification: study on reaction kinetics using a high-pressure thermogravimetric analyzer
Mueller, A.; Stoesser, P.; Kolb, T.
2014. 39th Internat.Technical Conf.on Clean Coal and Fuel Systems, Clearwater, Fla., June 1-5, 2014
Mit Gas-Innovationen in die Zukunft - Power-to-Gas, PtG
Kolb, T.
2014. 4. Statuskonferenz der BMBF-Fördermaßnahme ’Technologien für Nachhaltigkeit und Klimaschutz - Chemische Prozesse und stoffliche Nutzung von CO2’, Königswinter, 8. April 2014
The entrained flow gasifier in the KIT bioliq process
Kolb, T.; Zimmerlin, B.
2014. SGC International Seminar on Gasification, Malmö, S, October 15-16, 2014
Aktuelle Fragestellungen und Erkenntnisse bei der Umsetzung von Power-to-Gas-Konzepten in Deutschland
Graf, F.; Bajohr, S.; Köppel, W.; Kolb, T.
2014. Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe ’Energieverfahrenstechnik’, Karlsruhe, 18.-19. Februar 2014
The bioliq process chain
Kolb, T.; Weiss, M.; Zimmerlin, B.; Weigand, P.
2014. COORETEC-AG2 Treffen ’Vergasung kohlenstoffhaltiger Energieträger’, Darmstadt, 13. November 2014
Development of laser-induced incandescence for monitoring the particle conversion in an atmospheric entrained flow gasifier operated with slurry
Geigle, K. P.; Kutne, P.; Fleck, S.
2014. 6th International Freiberg Conference on IGCC & XtL Technologies (IFC 2014), Dresden, May 19-22, 2014
Measurements of atomic species concentration in an atmospheric entrained flow gasifier using laser induced breakdown spectroscopy
Kutne, P.; Geigle, K. P.; Fleck, S.
2014. 6th International Freiberg Conference on IGCC & XtL Technologies (IFC 2014), Dresden, May 19-22, 2014
Reaktionskinetische Charakterisierung von Brennstoffen für die Hochdruck-Flugstromvergasung
Mueller, A.; Stoesser, P.; Kolb, T.
2014. Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe Abfallbehandlung und Wertstoffrückgewinnung, Gasreinigung und Hochtemperaturtechnik, Karlsruhe, 17.- 18. Februar 2014
BtL - The bioliq process at KIT
Kolb, T.; Eberhard, M.; Seifert, H.; Zimmerlin, B.
2014. Berliner Abfallwirtschafts- und Energiekonferenz, Berlin, 27.-28. Januar 2014
Mercury emission and speciation in syngas from biomass gasification: preliminary results
Pudasainee, D.; Paur, H. R.; Fleck, S.; Seifert, H.
2014. 11th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant (ICMGP), Edinburgh, GB, July 28 - August 2, 2013
Trace metals emission in syngas from biomass gasification
Pudasainee, D.; Paur, H. R.; Fleck, S.; Seifert, H.
2014. Fuel processing technology, 120, 54–60. doi:10.1016/j.fuproc.2013.12.010
BtL - The bioliq process
Kolb, T.; Eberhard, M.
2013. IEA Bioenergy 2nd Semi-Annual Task Meeting ’Task 33: Thermal Gasification of Biomass’, Göteborg, S, November 19-21, 2013
Basic investigations on burner design for high pressure entrained flow gasifier: Influence of pressure and fluid viscosity on twin fluid atomization
Sänger, A.; Kolb, T.; Jakobs, T.; Djordjevic, N.; Zarzalis, N.
2013. 26.Deutscher Flammentag, Duisburg, 11.-12.September 2013
BtL - The bioloiq process at KIT
Kolb, T.; Eberhard, M.; Dahmen, N.; Leibold, H.; Neuberger, M.; Sauer, J.; Seifert, H.; Zimmerlin, B.
2013. DGMK International Conference ’New Technologies and Alternative Feedstocks in Petrochemistry and Refining’, Dresden, 9.-11. Oktober, 2013. Hrsg.: S. Ernst, Deutsche Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Erdöl, Erdgas und Kohle e.V. (DGMK)
Basic investigations on burner design for high pressure entrained flow gasifier: Influence of pressure and fluid viscosity on twin fluid atomization
Sänger, A.; Kolb, T.; Jakobs, T.; Djordjevic, N.; Zarzalis, N.
2013. Verbrennung und Feuerung : 26.Deutscher Flammentag, Duisburg, 11.-12.September 2013, 321–331, VDI Verlag
BtL - The bioloiq process at KIT
Kolb, T.; Eberhard, M.; Dahmen, N.; Leibold, H.; Neuberger, M.; Sauer, J.; Seifert, H.; Zimmerlin, B.
2013. DGMK International Conference ’New Technologies and Alternative Feedstocks in Petrochemistry and Refining’, Dresden, October 9-11, 2013
Chemical energy storage
Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.
2013. Vortr.: Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Karlsruhe, December 12, 2013
Umsetzung biomassebasierter Brennstoffsuspensionen in einem atmosphärischen Flugstromreaktor
Fleck, S.; Stoesser, P.; Santo, U.; Flamme, M.; Kolb, T.
2013. Jahrestreffen Hochtemperaturtechnik und Technische Reaktionen, Oberhausen, 26.- 27.Februar 2013
Synthesegaserzeugung aus Biomasse zur stofflichen und energetischen Nutzung
Kolb, T.; Eberhard, M.; Zimmerlin, B.; Willy, B.
2013. Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe SuPER, 5.-6. November 2013
Energy from chemical fuels in KIC InnoEnergy
Kolb, T.
2013. 1st European Conference on Technology to Business in Energy from Chemical Fuels, Frankfurt, September 23-24, 2013
Aktuelle Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet der Methanisierung
Bajohr, S.; Götz, M.; Graf, F.; Kolb, T.
2013. Gasfachliche Aussprachetagung (GAT 2013), Nürnberg, 1.-2. Oktober 2013
Entwicklung eines Biogasaufbereitungsprozesses mit ionischen Flüssigkeiten
Ortloff, F.; Bajohr, S.; Graf, F.; Kolb, T.
2013. GWF / Gas, Erdgas, 154 (10), 762–769
Evaluation of Organic and Ionic Liquids for Three-Phase Methanation and Biogas Purification Processes
Götz, M.; Ortloff, F.; Reimert, R.; Basha, O.; Morsi, B. I.; Kolb, T.
2013. Energy & fuels, 27 (8), 4705–4715. doi:10.1021/ef400334p
Design of the entrained flow reactor for gasification of biomass based slurry
Mancini, M.; Weber, R.; Weigand, P.; Leuckel, W.; Kolb, T.
2013. 26.Deutscher Flammentag, Duisburg, 11.-12.September 2013
Design of the entrained flow reactor for gasification of biomass based slurry
Mancini, M.; Weber, R.; Weigand, P.; Leuckel, W.; Kolb, T.
2013. Verbrennung und Feuerung : 26.Deutscher Flammentag, Duisburg, 11.-12.September 2013, 625–634, VDI Verlag
The bioliq entrained flow gasifier for biomass based slurry design and operation
Sänger, A.; Mancini, M.; Weber, R.; Weigand, P.; Kolb, T.
2013. 38th International Technical Conference on Clean Coal and Fuel Systems, Clearwater, Fla., June 2-6, 2013
Der bioliq-Flugstromvergaser. Pilotanlage und Forschung
Kolb, T.
2013. Sustainable bioeconomy : gemeinsam mit Workshop BioBoost, 28. und 29. November 2012; Vorträge, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Campus North, CD-ROM, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Einsatz eines Blasensäulenreaktors zur Methansynthese
Götz, M.; Bajohr, S.; Graf, F.; Reimert, R.; Kolb, T.
2013. Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik, 85 (7), 1146–1151. doi:10.1002/cite.201200212
The natural gas grid as backbone of a stable RES-based energy system
Götz, M.; Bajohr, S.; Kolb, T.
2013. 3rd International Conference on Energy Process Engineering (ICEPE 2013), Frankfurt, June 3-6, 2013
Power-to-gas, PtG. Ein Baustein des zukünftigen Energiesystems
Kolb, T.
2013. Wind-to-Gas : 4.Energiekolloquium der Chemiegesellschaften, 707.DECHEMA-Kolloquiumm, Frankfurt, 7.März 2013
Experimental Studies of the Influence of Fuel Properties and Operational Conditions on Stoking When Combusting fuels in a Fixed-bed Reactor
Arias, F.; Kolb, T.; Seifert, H.; Gehrmann, H.-J.
2013. Chancen der Energiewende : wissenschaftliche Beiträge des KIT zur 1. Jahrestagung des KIT-Zentrums Energie, 19.06.2012. Hrsg.: W. Breh, 71–76, KIT Scientific Publishing
Umsetzung biomassebasierter Brennstoffsuspensionen in einem atmosphärischen Flugstromreaktor
Fleck, S.; Stoesser, P.; Santo, U.; Flamme, M.; Kolb, T.
2013. Jahrestreffen Hochtemperaturtechnik und Technische Reaktionen, Oberhausen, 26.- 27.Februar 2013
Bewertung der Potenziale der Biogasaufbereitung mit ionischen Flüssigkeiten
Ortloff, F.; Graf, F.; Kolb, T.
2012. Energie-, Wasser-Praxis, 62 (12), 96–99
State of the art of the bioliq® process for synthetic biofuels production
Dahmen, N.; Dinjus, E.; Kolb, T.; Arnold, U.; Leibold, H.; Stahl, R.
2012. Environmental progress & sustainable energy, 31 (2), 176–181. doi:10.1002/ep.10624
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Wood Particle Combustion in Fixed Bed Reactors
Mätzing, H.; Gehrmann, H.-J.; Kolb, T.; Seifert, H.
2012. Environmental Engineering Science, 29 (10), 907–914. doi:10.1089/ees.2011.0556
Influence of ambient pressure on twin fluid atomization R&D work for high pressure entrained flow gasification
Jakobs, T.; Djordjevic, N.; Fleck, S.; Zarzalis, N.; Kolb, T.
2012. 12th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ICLASS 2012), Heidelberg, September 2-6, 2012
Influence of ambient pressure on twin fluid atomization R&D work for high pressure entrained flow gasification
Jakobs, T.; Djordjevic, N.; Fleck, S.; Zarzalis, N.; Kolb, T.
2012. 12th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ICLASS 2012), Heidelberg, September 2-6, 2012. Ed.: E. Gutheil, CD-ROM, ILASS Europe
Der bioliq-Flugstromvergaser. Pilotanlage und Forschung
Kolb, T.
2012. Kolloquium Sustainable BioEconomy, Karlsruhe, 28.-29. November 2012
Injection of gases from renewable sources into the gas grid in Germany. Potentials and limits
Graf, F.; Kolb, T.
2012. World Gas Conf.2012, Kuala Lumpur, MAL, June 4-8, 2012
Helmholtz virtual institute for gasification technology. Towards sustainable energy systems
Kolb, T.; Aigner, M.; Kneer, R.; Müller, M.; Weber, R.
2012. 5th International Freiberg Conference on IGCC & XtL Technologies (IFC 2012), Leipzig, May 21-24, 2012
Energy from chemical fuels
Kolb, T.
2012. 4th European Economic Congress (EEC), Katowice, PL, May 14-16, 2012
Energetische Nutzung nachwachsender Rohstoffe
Kolb, T.; Dahmen, N.
2012. 18.Fachtagung Energetische Nutzung nachwachsender Rohstoffe, Freiberg, 13.-14.September 2012
bioliq - Treibstoff aus Biomasse. bioliq II - Gaserzeugung. Stand der Inbetriebnahme
Kolb, T.; Weigand, P.
2012. 77.Sitzung des DGMK Arbeitskreises Kohleveredlung, Frankfurt, 9.November 2012
Messung der Löslichkeit von Gasen in ionischen Flüssigkeiten. Anwendung bei der Biogasaufbereitung und bei der Methanisierung
Götz, M.; Ortloff, F.; Reimert, R.; Kolb, T.
2012. ProcessNet-Jahrestagung und 30. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen 2012, Karlsruhe, 10.-13.September 2012
Injection of gases from renewable sources into the gas grid in Germany. Potentials and limits
Graf, F.; Kolb, T.
2012. World Gas Conf. 2012, Kuala Lumpur, MAL, June 4-8, 2012, International Gas Union
Dreiphasen-Methanisierung als innovatives Element der PtG-Prozesskette
Bajohr, S.; Götz, M.; Graf, F.; Kolb, T.
2012. GWF / Gas, Erdgas, 153 (5), 328–335
Festbettmodell zur Modellierung von Rostfeuerungen
Mätzing, H.; Gehrmann, H. J.; Kolb, T.; Seifert, H.
2012. ProcessNet-Jahrestagung und 30. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen 2012, Karlsruhe, 10.-13.September 2012 Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 84(2012) (Abstract)
Characteristics of feedstocks for biomass gasification
Pudasainee, D.; Paur, H. R.; Bologa, A.; Woletz, K.; Fleck, S.; Kolb, T.; Seifert, H.
2012. ProcessNet-Jahrestagung und 30. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen 2012, Karlsruhe, 10.-13.September 2012 Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 84(2012) (Abstract)
Gasification of high viscous slurry R&D on atomization and numerical simulation
Jakobs, T.; Djordjevic, N.; Fleck, S.; Mancini, M.; Weber, R.; Kolb, T.
2012. Applied Energy, 93, 449–456. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2011.12.026
Conversion of Biomass-based Slurries in an Atmospheric Entrained Flow Gasifier
Fleck, S.; Santo, U.; Navatta, R.; Stoesser, P.; Flamme, M.; Kolb. T.
2011. 19th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition. From Research to Industry and Markets (2011), Berlin, Germany, June 6–10, 2011
Synergies Between Biomass and Solid Recovered Fuel in Energy Conversion Processes
Gehrmann, H.-J.; Kolb, T.; Seifert, H.; Mark, F. E.; Frankenhaeuser, M.; Schanssema, A.; Wittstock, K.; Kolb, J. J.
2010. Environmental engineering science, 27 (7), 557–567. doi:10.1089/ees.2009.0373
Conversion of model fuel in an entrained flow gasifier - Influence of the gasification conditions on the syngas quality
Fleck, S.; Fertl, P.; Kolb, T.
2010. Third International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste ; Cini Foundation, Venice, Italy, 8 - 11 November 2010, Cisa Publ
Chemischer Quench bei der Flugstromvergasung von Biomasse
Fertl, P. T.; Eberhard, M.; Kolb, T.; Bajohr, S.; Reimert, R.
2009. Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik, 81 (8), 1141. doi:10.1002/cite.200950433
Synergies of biomass and solid recovered fuel in grate type energy from waste plants
Gehrmann, H.-J.; Kolb, T.; Seifert, H.; Mark, F. E.; Frankenhaeuser, M.; Schanssema, A.; Wittstock, K.; Kolb, J. J.
2009. Joint Conference: International Thermal Treatment Technologies (IT3) and Hazardous Waste Combustors (HWC), Cincinnati, OH, May 18-21, 2009, 1–16, New York
Characterisation of the combustion behaviour of refuse derived fuel and biomass with lignite
Kolb, T.; Gehrmann, H.-J.; Stein-Brzozowska, M.; Seifert, H.
2008. 8th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers (INFUB), Vilamoura, Portugal, 25.-28.03.2008
Characterisation of combustion behaviour of refuse derived fuel
Kolb, T.; Bleckwehl, S.; Gehrmann, H.-J.; Seifert, H.
2008. Journal of the Energy Institute, 81 (1), 1–6. doi:10.1179/174602208X269526
Biokraftstoffe der 2. Generation
Schaub, G.; Kolb, T.; Steiger, W.
2007. Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik, 79 (9), 1325–1326. doi:10.1002/cite.200750169
Charakterisierung des Verbrennungsverhaltens von Ersatzbrennstoffen
Kolb, T.; Gehrmann, H.-J.; Seifert, H.
2006. Ressourcenmanagement: Das zentrale Element für unternehmerisches und kommunales Handeln. Abfalltage Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart, 26.-27.09.2006
Synthesegas aus Biomasse - Verfahren des Forschungszentrums Karlsruhe
Kolb, T.; Dinjus, E.; Henrich, E.; Krebs, L.
2004. Fachtagung "Pyrolyse- und Vergasungsverfahren in der Energietechnik - Bio-Fuel-Konzepte", Freiberg, 4.-5.3.2004
Validierung primärer NOx Maßnahmen
Kolb, T.; Leibold, H.; Bleckwehl, S.; Walter, R.
2003. Primärseitige Stickoxidminderung als Beispiel für die Optimierung des Verbrennungsvorgangs in Abfallverbrennungsanlagen. Abschlussbericht des HGF- Strategiefonds-Projektes. Hrsg.: H. Seifert, 145–171, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (FZKA)
Abfallverwertung und -beseitigung
Kolb, T.; Seifert, H.; Kranert, M.; Thomanetz, E.
2003. Winnacker-Küchler: Chemische Technik: Prozesse und Produkte. Band 2: Neue Technologien. Hrsg.: R. Dittmeyer, Wiley-VCH Verlag
Verbrennungstechnische Optimierung des Systems Drehrohrofen/Nachbrennkammer
Kolb, T.
1996. VDI Seminar 43-54-14: Betrieb von Rückstandsverbrennungsanlagen, Düsseldorf/Dormagen, 6./7.02.1996
Der Drehrohrofen - Die Chronik einer modernen Technik am Beispiel der BASF-Rückstandsverbrennung
Kolb, T.; Joschek, H.-I.; Dorn, I. H.
1995. VGB-Kraftwerkstechnik, 75 (4), 370–379
Sondermüllverbrennung in der chemischen Industrie
Kolb, T.
1994. Seminar U14: "Thermische Abfallbehandlung", Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe, 05.-07.10.1994
Optimization of a multifuel-type burner system for thermal disposal of low-Btu liquid residues
Kolb, T.; Steinebrunner, K.; Dorn, I. H.; Seifert, H.
1994. 25th International Symposium on Combustion, University of California, Irvine, 31.07.-05.08.1994
Energetische Verwertung von Produktionsrückständen in einer Sonderabfallverbrennungsanlage
Kolb, T.
1994. Automobilkreis-Fachtagung "Rohstoffliche und Thermische Verwertung", Bad Nauheim, April 1994
Betriebserfahrungen zur Schüttgutverbrennung in einem Drehrohrofen
Kolb, T.; Baumgartner, H. P.; Christill, M.; Dorn, I. H.; Seifert, H.
1994. GVC Symposium Abfallwirtschaft, Würzburg 1994
Oxidativer Dioxin-Abbau am Katalysator
Kolb, T.; Dorn, I. H.; Christill, M.; Hess, K.
1994. Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik, 66 (9), 1167–1168. doi:10.1002/cite.330660907
Rückstandsfreie Rauchgasreinigung durch Katalysatortechnik
Kolb, T.; Dorn, I. H.; Christill, M.; Hess, K.
Modellierung der Nachbrennkammer einer Rückstandsverbrennungsanlage
Straßburger, R.; Kolb, T.; Mantel, R.; Seifert, H.; Dorn, I. H.
1993. Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik, 65 (9), 1100. doi:10.1002/cite.330650983
Auslegung einer Verbrennungsanlage für industrielle Reststoffe
Kolb, T.; Seifert, H.
1993. Verbrennungsanlagen für Sonderabfall, Mannheim, 7. - 8.September 1993, VDI-Bildungswerk
Untersuchungen zur Durchsatzsteigerung bei der Verbrennung von festen und schlammförmigen Rückständen im Drehrohr
Kolb, T.; Hillemanns, R.; Baumgartner, H.; Seifert, H.; Groß, K.; Dorn, I. H.
1992. GVC-Jahrestreffen Verfahrensingenieure, Wien, Österreich, 1992
Untersuchungen zur Durchsatzsteigerung bei der Verbrennung von festen und schlammförmigen Rückständen im Drehrohr
Kolb, T.; Hillemanns, R.; Baumgartner, H.; Seifert, H.; Groß, K.; Dorn, I. H.
1992. Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik, 64 (9), 791. doi:10.1002/cite.330640936
HCN - ein wichtiges Zwischenprodukt bei der NO-Bildung in turbulenten Diffusionsflammen
Kolb, T.; Leuckel, W.; Jansohn, P.
1989. VDI-Berichte, (765), 231–244
HCN - ein wichtiges Zwischenprodukt bei der NO-Bildung in turbulenten Diffusionsflammen
Kolb, T.; Leuckel, W.; Jansohn, P.
1989. 14. Deutscher Flammentag (1989), Stuttgart, Germany, October 5–6, 2005
Detailed Field Measurements on Thermal and Fuel NOx Formation and Reduction Mechanisms in Turbulent Diffusion Flames
Kolb, T.; Jansohn, P.; Leuckel, W.
1989. Joint Meeting of the German and Italian Sections of the Combustion Institute, Ravello, 1989
NOx-Formation from Fuel-Nitrogen in Turbulent Diffusion Flames
Kolb, T.; Leuckel, W.; Jansohn, P.
1989. 9th Members Conference, Clean Combustion in Flames, IFRG, 1989
Nitrogenoxides formation from fuel nitrogen in turbulent diffusion flames
Kolb, T.; Leuckel, W.; Jansohn, P.
1989. 1st Topic Oriented Technical Meeting (ToTeM), Amsterdam, NL, 17.-19.10.1989
Reduction of NOx Emission by Fuel Staging Effect of Ammonia Addition to the Reburn Fuel
Kolb, T.; Ritz, J.; Jansohn, P.; Leuckel, W.
1989. Joint Meeting of the British and French Section of the Combustion Institute, Rouen, France, 1989
Reduction of NOx Emission in Turbulent Combustion by Fuel-Staging/Effects of Mixing and Stoichiometry in the Reduction Zone
Kolb, T.; Jansohn, P.; Leuckel, W.
1988. 22nd International Symposium on Combustion, Seattle, WA, USA, 14.-19.08.1988
Einfluss der Stöchiometrie bei der Reduktion von Stickoxiden durch gestufte Verbrennung
Kolb, T.; Leuckel, W.
1988. Internes TECFLAM-Seminar, Heidelberg, Juni 1988
Conversion of Fuel-Nitrogen in Turbulent Diffusion Flames / Reduction of NOX-Emission by Staged Combustion
Kolb, T.; Leuckel, W.; Jansohn, P.
1988. 1st European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers (INFUB), Lisbon, Portugal, 1988
The Contribution of Radiation to the Ignition of a Confined Turbulent Coal-Water Slurry Diffusion Flame
Kolb, T.; Farmayan, W. F.; Walsh, P. M.; Beér, J. M.
1988. Combustion science and technology, 58 (1-3), 77–95. doi:10.1080/00102208808923957