Pyrolysis Products Analysis
The pyrolysis group at ITC operates a comprehensive analytical laboratory with a special focus on organic products. Many analyses are based on various gas chromatography methods, which are selectively supplemented by i.a. spectroscopic methods in order to examine the composition of the complex product mixtures and to determine characteristic properties relevant for further utilization. The analyses focus primarily on the valuable product fractions of plastics pyrolysis, pyrolysis gas and pyrolysis condensate, although solids analyses are conducted as well.
In addition, cooperation with the 'Special Analytics' working group of the ITC enables the investigation of feedstocks and pyrolysis products with regard to common fuel-related characteristics such as elemental composition, ash content and calorific value.
The detailed analyses enable the assessment of pyrolysis products with regard to their usability in subsequent petrochemical processes. On this data basis, depending on the feedstock of the pyrolysis, research demand for further product upgrading can be estimated and recommendations can be derived. The specification-oriented analysis constitutes an elementary component of the further development of chemical recycling via pyrolysis processes.