Department Gasification Technology
- Scientific Assistant at Research Group: Modeling / Balances
- Member of HVIGasTech, Network of Young Scientists (NYS)
Main Activities:
- Process simulation (Aspen Plus®) for gasification plants (REGA, bioliq®)
- Modeling of combustion and gasification processes (e. g. CHEMKIN, Aspen Plus®, FLUENT)
- Balancing of gasification experiments (e. g. REGA, bioliq®)
- Validation of process quality considering process-characteristics
- Evaluation of mathematic models and simulation tools
Scientific Career:
since 2013 | Scientific Assistant at KIT, Institute for Technical Chemistry (ITC), Department Gasification Technology, Research Group Modeling / Balances |
2012 - 2013 | Scientific Assistant at Fraunhofer ITC, Department Environmental Engineering |
2011 | Master Chemical and Process Engineering, Georg-Simon-Ohm Hochschule Nürnberg |
2009 | Diploma (FH) Applied Chemistry, Georg-Simon-Ohm Hochschule Nürnberg |
Entrained flow gasification: Pilot-scale experimental, balancing and equilibrium data for model validation
Dammann, M.; Santo, U.; Böning, D.; Knoch, H.; Eberhard, M.; Kolb, T.
2025. Fuel, 382, 132809. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2024.132809
Dammann, M.; Santo, U.; Böning, D.; Knoch, H.; Eberhard, M.; Kolb, T.
2025. Fuel, 382, 132809. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2024.132809
Hochdruck-Flugstromvergasung: Validierte Daten aus Experimenten im Pilotmaßstab für Optimierung und Scale-up
Santo, U.; Böning, D.; Jakobs, T.; Fleck, S.; Michelfelder, B.; Zimmerlin, B.; Kolb, T.
2024, March 25. Jahrestreffen der DECHEMA-Fachgruppen Abfallbehandlung und Wertstoffrückgewinnung und Gasreinigung (FGr AuW und GAS 2024), Dresden, Germany, March 25–26, 2024
Santo, U.; Böning, D.; Jakobs, T.; Fleck, S.; Michelfelder, B.; Zimmerlin, B.; Kolb, T.
2024, March 25. Jahrestreffen der DECHEMA-Fachgruppen Abfallbehandlung und Wertstoffrückgewinnung und Gasreinigung (FGr AuW und GAS 2024), Dresden, Germany, March 25–26, 2024
Entrained‐flow gasification of pyrolysis oil – Influence of flame structure on fuel conversion
Haas, M.; Fleck, S.; Böning, D.; Santo, U.; Kolb, T.
2022. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 94 (9), 1294–1294. doi:10.1002/cite.202255060
Haas, M.; Fleck, S.; Böning, D.; Santo, U.; Kolb, T.
2022. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 94 (9), 1294–1294. doi:10.1002/cite.202255060
Entrained flow gasification: Experiments and balancing for design and scale-up
Santo, U.; Böning, D.; Eberhard, M.; Schmid, H.; Kolb, T.
2021, September 28. 30. Deutscher Flammentag (2021), Hanover, Germany, September 28–29, 2021
Santo, U.; Böning, D.; Eberhard, M.; Schmid, H.; Kolb, T.
2021, September 28. 30. Deutscher Flammentag (2021), Hanover, Germany, September 28–29, 2021
Entrained flow gasification: Experiments and balancing for design and scale-up
Santo, U.; Böning, D.; Eberhard, M.; Schmid, H.; Kolb, T.
2021. 30. Deutschen Flammentag, Hannover, 28.9.-29.09.2021, Deutsche Vereinigung für Verbrennungsforschung e.V
Santo, U.; Böning, D.; Eberhard, M.; Schmid, H.; Kolb, T.
2021. 30. Deutschen Flammentag, Hannover, 28.9.-29.09.2021, Deutsche Vereinigung für Verbrennungsforschung e.V
Der bioliq®-Flugstromvergaser : Ein Baustein der Energiewende = The bioliq® Entrained-Flow Gasifier : a Module for the German Energiewende
Eberhard, M.; Santo, U.; Böning, D.; Schmid, H.; Michelfelder, B.; Zimmerlin, B.; Günther, A.; Weigand, P.; Müller-Hagedorn, M.; Stapf, D.; Kolb, T.
2018. Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik, 90 (1-2), 85–98. doi:10.1002/cite.201700086
Eberhard, M.; Santo, U.; Böning, D.; Schmid, H.; Michelfelder, B.; Zimmerlin, B.; Günther, A.; Weigand, P.; Müller-Hagedorn, M.; Stapf, D.; Kolb, T.
2018. Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik, 90 (1-2), 85–98. doi:10.1002/cite.201700086
Influence of fuel specification on gasification performance of biomass based suspension fuels in an atmospheric enrained flow gasifier
Fleck, S.; Santo, U.; Hotz, C.; Boening, D.; Djordjevic, N.; Kolb, T.
2015. International Conference on Thermochemical (TC) Biomass Conversion Science, tcbiomass 2015, Chicago, USA, 02.-05.11.2015
Fleck, S.; Santo, U.; Hotz, C.; Boening, D.; Djordjevic, N.; Kolb, T.
2015. International Conference on Thermochemical (TC) Biomass Conversion Science, tcbiomass 2015, Chicago, USA, 02.-05.11.2015
Experimental investigation of entrained flow gasification of biomass suspensions at ambient pressure
Hotz, C.; Fleck, S.; Santo, U.; Boening, D.; Stoesser, P.; Djordjevic, N.; Kolb, T.
2014. 4th International Symposium on Gasification and its Applications (iSGA 2014), Wien, A, September 2-4, 2014
Hotz, C.; Fleck, S.; Santo, U.; Boening, D.; Stoesser, P.; Djordjevic, N.; Kolb, T.
2014. 4th International Symposium on Gasification and its Applications (iSGA 2014), Wien, A, September 2-4, 2014