Dr. Peter Stemmermann
- Head of Department Technical Mineralogy
(+49 721 608-)24391
(+49 721 608-)24373
Peter Stemmermann ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Institut für Technische Chemie (ITC)
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
Department Technical Mineralogy
Head of Department Technical Mineralogy
Main Research Interest:
circular construction materials; carbon management; energy-efficient processes; isochemical cements; hydrothermal Processes; RC-cement clinker; CO2 sequestration in construction materials
Career - Awards
1992 | PhD, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Mineralogical Institute |
2009 - 2020 | Founding shareholder of Celitement GmbH |
2011 | German Innovation Prize for climate and environment |
2011 | Environmental Technology Prize Baden-Württemberg |
2010 | German Material Efficiency Award |
2009 | Brunauer Award |
Important Publications:
- Matthias Achternbosch, Peter Stemmermann
The carbon uptake by carbonation of concrete structures – some remarks by perspective of TA, Karlsruhe 2021. https://primo.bibliothek.kit.edu/permalink/f/4jne3t/KITSRCE1000131215
- Peter Stemmermann, Krassimir Garbev, Biliana Gasharova, Günter Beuchle, Michael Haist, Thibaut Divoux,
Chemo-mechanical characterization of hydrated calcium-hydrosilicates with coupled Raman- and nanoindentation measurements, in: Applied Geochemistry 118 (2020), 104582. https://primo.bibliothek.kit.edu/permalink/f/4jne3t/KITSRCE1000119926
- Carolin Lutz, Jörg Matthes; Patrick Waibel, Ulrich Precht, Günter Beuchle, Krassimir Garbev, Uwe Schweike, Peter Stemmermann, Hubert B. Keller
Celitement quality parameter determination by online NIR spectroscopy, in: Advances in Cement Research 31/2 (2019), 80–91. https://primo.bibliothek.kit.edu/permalink/f/4jne3t/KITSRCE1000079051
- Peter Stemmermann
New CO2-reduced cementitious systems, in: Herbert Pöllmann (Hg.), Cementitious Materials. Composition, Properties, Application 2017, 333–352. https://primo.bibliothek.kit.edu/permalink/f/4jne3t/KITSRCE1000146410
- Krassimir Garbev, Biliana Gasharova, Peter Stemmermann
A Modular Concept of Crystal Structure Applied to the Thermal Transformation of α-C2SH, in: Journal of the American Ceramic Society 97/7 (2014), 2286–2297. https://primo.bibliothek.kit.edu/permalink/f/4jne3t/KITSRCE0110099203
- Krassimir Garbev, Günter Beuchle, Uwe Schweike, Daniela Merz, Olga Dregert, Peter Stemmermann
Preparation of a Novel Cementitious Material from Hydrothermally Synthesized C-S-H phases, in: Journal of the American Ceramic Society 97/7 (2014), 2298–2307. https://primo.bibliothek.kit.edu/permalink/f/4jne3t/KITSRCE0110102865
- Peter Stemmermann, Matthias Achternbosch
Dekarbonisierung im Baustoffsektor, in: Jörg Hacker (Hg.), Rolle der Wissenschaft im globalen Wandel (Nova Acta Leopoldina NF, 118, Nr. 400), Stuttgart 2013, 313–332. https://primo.bibliothek.kit.edu/permalink/f/4jne3t/KITSRCE0170094728
- Peter Stemmermann, Uwe Schweike, Krassimir Garbev, Günter Beuchle, Hendrik Möller
Celitement - a sustainable prospect for the cement industry, in: Cement International 8/5 (2010), 52–66. https://primo.bibliothek.kit.edu/permalink/f/4jne3t/KITSRCE0120081447