Projects of the Group Combustion Technology

Current Projects:


Annually, by the production of bioethanol from sugarcane fall bagasse about 250 million tons, and in lesser amounts straw, filter cake and vinasse. This has led over time to an acidification of the soil and a lack of nutrients. In the course of this Partner project, are the nutrients of ash in bagasses incurred in thermo-chemical processes, recycled.
Further information about the project:



In Project ProCycle the Human and Environmental toxicological relevance of dust and gaseous emissions that arise during the recycling and recovery of nanocomposites (NC) is determined and evaluated.
Futher information about the project.



Completed Industrial Projects:


DMC Fuel™
In Project DMC Fuel ™, the newly developed fuel DMC Fuel ™ from TMTS Associates Inc. has been studied with regard to the combustion behavior. The fuel has similar properties to conventional pellets. However, the production of DMC Fuel ™ needs compared to wood pellets only about half as much energy and capital goods. Because of the this fuel can thus be produced and sold cheaper than conventional pellets.
Further information about the project.


AdCUB (Advanced Combustion for Biomass)
In Project AdCUB universal modular core products have been developed in power plant construction and are then marketed. Due to the modular construction of power plants a considerable cost saving is provided.


KK (Kaninchenkot)
In Project KK of waste "rabbit droppings" was examined with regard to the combustion behavior under defined conditions in a fixed bed reactor. It should be checked whether and under what conditions the rabbit droppings for thermal utilization is.
Further information about the project.


In project lignin the (waste) product "lignin" was determined with regard to the combustion behavior under defined conditions in a fixed bed reactor. It should be checked whether and under what conditions, the lignin for energy recovery is. The lignin from wood by treatment with concentrated hydrochloric acid recovered.